Communist Porn Star

It also seems a lot more... joyful? Is that the word i’m looking for?

Man I had these albums when I was a kid and I still sing these songs to my kids now.

Kanye should probably shut the fuck up, though.

Kanye isn’t stupid. He is, however, profoundly and willfully ignorant.

Nothing to do with that.

Actually the fact that this lawsuit is over a *specific* instance (her getting cast in LotR) and therefore represents an *exact* amount of money (what she would have been offered for the role) makes it a pretty straightforward case that Weinstein’s actions caused this woman to lose money.

Yeah, it’s not like a lot of people have been forced to maintain a presence on Facebook in order to have a business page, or because they attend schools that use it to post homework or other notices, right?

I mean this is probably less filthy than the songs I used to come up with when I was nine, so… meh.

I’m a parent and this was hilarious.

You are one pathetic, joyless motherfucker.

Wow i’m not sure if I have it in me but this might be the first time i’m at a loss for words.

My god don’t get my hopes up.

Nah, you’re still a horrible person.

Yeah. None of these comparisons are even remotely close.

Hah hah! Yeah! It’s great that a character a bunch of kids just fell in love with a few months ago does a horrible death in front of their eyes!


I didn’t realize a few cherry picked tweets were headlines.


I think it’s hilarious that they were basically trying to say “we’re substantially changing the plot to conform to our sexist prejudices about gender roles and we’re going to say it’s somehow a daring choice to make the story less subversive”

“Can you please recount the events of the evening that lead to the incident in question?”