Communist Porn Star

Honestly, it’s a really goddamned good movie, especially when you find out that his plan was basically to waste a space much of MTV’s money as he possibly could.

What’s funny is I loved the show Dragnet as a kid, and was baffled by the comedy movie.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back might be the dumbest, most terrible movie I genuinely like.

Yes, how dare a person employed with a website that does pop culture analysis perform analysis on a piece of pop culture!

It’s the one he dug here himself.

But then how will he engage in proto-fascist dogwhistling like the guy screaming about postmodernism up above?

Exactly my thought.


No, because thinking critically about anything is apparently akin to book burning.

Lol like you’re actually a fucking liberal.

You fuck off. You didn’t bother to read more than five lines of this, did you?

Give this man the $10,000!

Lol nobody who rails about postmodernism is worth taking seriously.


He’s not stupid.

Trump got elected because of a pre-industrial governmental system that heavily weighs against urban populations as part of an elaborate design to prevent the abolition of slavery by the ballot.

Jordan Peterson is a dipshit whose the angry white middle class male equivalent of a bullshit self help guru.

Hey look, alt-right garbage.

Probably because the Simpsons is a thirty year long massive cultural touchstone, and the character of Apu was specifically the vector for a lot of harassment he endured as a child.

Krusty’s Jewish heritage has received ten times the respect in the show than Apu’s has.