
Any chance the Sacklers can hook us up with some Oxy for Game 3 before they get fined into oblivion? And by oblivion I mean slightly less obscenely wealthy than they are now.

Jill Laimbeer...

Come on now, that’s a MAJOR step up from David Tracy.  

Weren’t you just trying to buy a right-hand drive Cressida full of bees?

Dear readers:

But I guess at 11 o’clock when you’re the GOAT of coaching, you go wherever you want, free ball.

It beats being a plumber.

This “Take on Me” director’s cut is bananas.

“Coach, it’s pretty amazing that you’re here this late.”- Dan Snyder to Jay Gruden, referring to Week 5.

Edelman didn’t elaborate on whether or not Belichick’s balls appeared to be properly inflated.

You left out the other costs of going to a game - parking, concessions, souvenirs, et cetera. Most people pay the same rate for those things no matter what ticket they buy. There is premium parking and clubs with higher priced food, but for the most part the guy paying $16 and the guy paying $12 for a seat (to use the

Everything Boeing did for the Max-8 was selling it as “Your pilot can spend five minutes on an iPad and be able to fly it!” They knew any change that brought new functionality would trigger a recertification process which when combined with the Max-8's cost versus Airbus’ equivalent would have meant a number of

“if you can’t stand the Heat” what!?

Promotion and relegation are desperately needed in every professional sport in the US.  Unless it’s a Man City/Liverpool battle like last year, the Premier league remains interesting at the end of the year as teams are fighting for the chance not to be replaced East Frogsbottom Wednesday.  

Good point and fair.

It might be a toss up. Apparently someone bought that Volvo and it broke down ON THE WAY HOME. Hopefully they didnt pay 15k for it

To be honest, at this point, I’d be okay with that. I really don’t hate the new films but I also just don’t really care about the new story all that much. The Star Wars fan in me is excited to see a new Star Wars movie, but I’ve spent virtually no time wondering excitedly about what’s going to happen to Rey, Finn, and

There’s no alleged until the person is found, this hit-and-run happened. It is possible to be suspected of an act before police allege you have committed the crime.

Plot details have been pretty sparse....”