
Odd that people self-censor while singing along to songs... If you find that you have to do that, may be better off just finding a new genre. If you can’t say the words out loud, no better having them in your thoughts. Just increases your chances of a mistaken utterance later on.

As someone who has been called that many times, I don’t mind it when it’s part of a long as it’s not, like say, a Klan rally song that uses it in a completely different context than, say, a DMX song.

I’m right there with you but watch out, people will jump down your throat about this topic here. I made basically the same statement once and was met with a bunch of comments like “how could you even ask something like this” or “the N word has positive meaning to colored people look it up!” I’m so tired of stories

The pups trying to kill you aren’t bad, just had terrible owners. They are good at heart.

I’d argue he didn’t just “add it in”. If you listen to the actual song and listen to Ninja, that part is muddled in general and Ninja clearly didn’t know the lyrics and made an assumption based on other raps since overall it does actually fit into the verse and he didn’t emphasize it. If anything he mumbled it

How do you expect people to stop caring if being offended is so fun? No, but seriously, I’m with you on pretty much everything you stated here so far

He’s getting into the flow of the song. He probably slipped up because he’s influenced by the many rap songs that have “nigga” in it. I’m black and I see this all the time with my non-black friends. I just laugh it off. There was no harm done here. Leave him be.

I get that I don’t get to decide it, but I still see it as ridiculous and a borderline waste of time thing to get upset over. It’s a word, sounds coming from your mouth. Not to mention there was no intent to harm anybody, so it’s even less of a big deal.

Trust me. Most of the offended are white, college educated, progressives sipping on lattes while they type with the other hand. These people have a true grasp of the struggle and you’re not allowed to have an opinion on this.

excuse me but im white so let me slowly explain racism to you in small words.

I’m black and the way I see it is if you don’t want people to say the n-word, don’t put it in your rap lyric. Honestly it’s not a big deal and like... it’s a word who cares. People give words too much power nowadays. People say “Oh but the history behind the word” and imo that’s the past and this is the present, it’s

This is the most bias racist shit ever.. White crazy cops killing blacks?? The last police shooting in Sacramento was by a BLACK COP.. What if a white man wrote this called the “Amazing stories of a white man” anf he was going around stopping the ridiculous amoun of black crimes that happen on a daily.. Fuck this

“At the hands of white police officers” funny, on the news there are just as many black and Latino officers involved as white officers. Guess he doesn’t blame the officers of color, how racist of him!

and let me guess...he’s never guilty of anything.

The majority of black Americans are born poor. No matter what color your skin is, poverty breeds crime. When the overwhelmingly majority of black folks are born into ghettos, there’s going to be a disproportionate amount of crime compared to, say, white people who live in all kinds of economic environments. So the

As kids, my brother and I would trace comic book covers. We usually wound up putting dicks and boobs on them. Is it art?

I, uh... Hm. Thing is, Black-Man resembles quite a few shady figures I see roaming about the ghetto, white and black, dealing in shady business. The nonsense of wearing a hood over your head in broad daylight when it’s perfectly warm out, that looks sketchy, whether you’re black, white, hispanic, a rainbow dragon...

Not defending the sexism (because it’s shitty and the more women who play games, the better), but gamer guys are still the outcasts. Being a gamer doesn’t generally come with the same negative stigma for women and I think that’s at least one source of the jealousy and backlash. From most of society’s perspective, if

The ones who are not thinking about race 24 hours a day taking offense at everything.