
Whatever, I guess? The awards are just bullshit circle jerks anyhow.

This is my exact experience, and it’s why i didn’t get until comics until I was an adult and could order trades from Amazon. I LOVE comics now, they’re a huge part of my life, but I still only read in trade or digitally.

films aren’t the theater. films are films.


Spielberg was the “boy wonder”. Now he is the “out of touch old man”.

Like his comments on comic book movies, this feels like the sour grapes of man who just realized he’s gone from being up front to catching up and possibly being left behind.

Same as GTA probably. Turns out the whole thing is a video game

Guess it made a daring escape before its time was up

I don’t know why people are on Facebook. It’s like they don’t know about all the porn. Hey losers. There’s people fucking on the internet right now. For you! Why are you looking at bad photos of your great uncle’s vacation to the Bahamas? Or your high school girlfriend’s new baby? It’s a baby. How many do you need to

Assuming it lasted for 27 rounds like this one, and there are 3 possible answers per round, you need 7,625,597,484,987 players.

Everything is racist, therefore nothing is racist.

No. This can only go one place and you know it.

Yes folks. Its time for a SJW lunatic to lose their SH*T over something any other reasonable person would think a split second over. What a awsome new world of everybody being offended at everything we live in now...

Dear Julie,

As a 100%, by blood, actually fucking born in Ireland dude that has seen these movies, please keep your wretched gaping maw of cum catching mouth shut about what we do, and do not find offensive. We don’t find these movies offensive, because they’re movies and we have better things to worry about than being

So we’re at the point where anything that depicts any aspect of any race of people as either being racist, or being an instance of appropriation? What the fuck is wrong with you personally, as well as the rest of the world at large.

If you want to be shocked at the fact that yet another shitty 90's franchise is being

io9 writer finds something problematic, News at 11!

No Warwick Davis = No Leprechaun. This bullshit can go die in a fire. Oh and yall forgot about the WWE produced movie staring Hornswaggle that was supposed to be a different version of this same crap. They weren’t all bad, the movies up until they went into space were actually okay to watch, and Warwick Davis was

It’s especially bad coming from a site dedicated to essentially fringe culture and fandoms.

Hellraiser: Judgement came out last month and it was better that it had any right to be.

It’s a fun franchise. Sure, there are the, uh, lesser entries, but it’s also a predominately ‘90s straight-to-video slasher franchise starring a goblin-like leprechaun. I for one would love a new, more classic film with the character and premise.