
Laundry pods! Just on time for that party i’m hosting this weekend!

Laundry pods! Just on time for that party i’m hosting this weekend!

are they actually still making money? :P

If it came out today people would complain about not enough gays in the movie, not enough blacks, not enough social justice ect....

I did cause that’s all I had left to buy for my new computer. Started building it at the worst time, january 2018. But yeah, fucking miners. I’m sure I easily spent an extra 600-700$ just because of the prices increase. -___-

Noted, i’ll never apply to work there.

Best game i played in a long time!

I don’t think the Habs are worth a lot lately :P

Crazy ex-girlfriends made me not wanting to share any passwords with anyone anymore.


racist... sure, sure. -___-

Deadpool is going to grab the infinity gauntlet and we’re gonna have a Deadpool kills the marvel universe movie :P

Always suprising, yesterday I received a message during a game of R6. Right away i tought: “What did i do wrong again?” But turns out it was someone thanking me for using a booster. :P

You forgot the best one, DOOM

“Another says that marijuana should never be given to anyone with anxiety.”

Good, I might go back to that game. Last time I tried to play after a few months off was so bad. Next thing to do something about would be voluntary team kills.

Damn, you’re a special kind of dumb.

Good thing i hang out at a nudist mall.

If i could i would downvote your comment.

ewwww. Cow juice.

Nope, asked my girlfriend last night. I’m commenting from prison now.