
What this dude did was wrong. Full Stop.

Power differential? He’s an e-sports gamer, not the president of the U.S. He HAS no power.

im so tired of this bullshit. you wanna go that route fine. lets take a look at the entire movie as a black culture and societal metaphor.

Now playing

It’s an amazing recreation of this classic:

The cultural climate is shifting away ever more gradually from your idiotic ideology. Prepare yourself for more and more people to stop putting up with this censorious nonsense.

You can try and make up some moral foundation for what you’re trying to bitch about, but the fact is, the only issue is a bunch of oversensitive little bitches whose parents gave such frail foundations to base their existence on, that a caricature at a show that is STILL accurate 30 years later is enough to shatter

The current cultural climate is extreme weather. You can’t make jokes without the PC police coming out on either end. It is going to come to a point where climate changes and instead of conservative censors like the past you’ll have comics, musicians, artists etc having to fight the liberal man.


Wow, you sure know a lot. You must be a woman.

Oh yeah, it’s a lot easier to assume BIG EVIL WHITE MAN than it is the fact that they just aren’t as experienced or qualified.

Maybe they don’t have the expertise, tenure or desire to be in those positions....or a laundry list of other reasons that aren’t sexism.

Maybe because the male employees were originally hired during a time when there was significantly less interest from women in the games industry? Probably a solid hypothesis.

How is this newsworthy? Your own article states the women aren’t working in the high paying sectors of the company.

improvements to tracking players who abuse the game’s team killing mechanic.

Or his shirt is billowing out as he falls.

Don’t worry, it’ll be gone from the cycle soon enough since we now know that it wasn’t a white male with a semiautomatic rifle...

Society seems to have changed a little. We used to prepare the child for the journey of life, we now seem to try to prepare the journey for the child. The issue isn’t that people get offended (that can happen with anything), it is their expectation that everything that offends them will be altered so as not to offend

Well, except for that Mexican fellow showing up under “crime.” And isn’t it a bit racist that all the thieves are white people? I prefer diversity in my felons, thank you.

Yeah well then you don’t belong here. We’re all about separating users with grey posts until they prove their opinion aligns with ours, and we’re going to go through your post history every single time so that instead of debating whatever the current point is, we can just label you as historically offensive and call

Offer your fucking “thoughts and prayers”... that has always work so well in the past.