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Now I want to see Trixie Mattle say that as Swedish Cher.

If Cher doesn’t call her gelato “CHURN BACK TIME”, then we have failed as a civilization.

Also, if you’re seeing this Cher, you’re free to use that as long as you give me credit and 1% of the profits.

I think Miranda sucks now. Carrie has surgery and Miranda’s getting fingered in her kitchen. She just dumps Steve and runs to throw herself at Che like she’s a teenager. And for fuck sake, set some ground rules for your asshole teenager and his girlfriend.

I have seen virtually nothing of these two actors before, and have only heard of Sweeney because of all the coverage around the early days of Euphoria. But holy shit, that right-hand header pic is giving me divorced-dad’s-weekend-with-his-daughter vibes. Trying to picture them playing romantic partners is creeping me

On the plus side, I’ve been lead to believe that there is a long-standing recycling program in place. Apparently, they toss it, and leave it,

Swank is partnered. She didn’t start a family, she was growing her existing family. Childfree/childless couples are no less families just because they don't have children.

I will say I thought “the unbearable lightness of being Nic Cage” (or whatever that movie was actually called) was surprisingly ... really entertaining. I definitely leaned more to “cringe” with him before that - but it made me like him just a little bit more

Honestly, why are they calling out the cute/funny zebra pants when the jacket is the real problem? Possibly also the shirt? At any rate, bottom half=good, top half=no.

During the pandemic a group of friends decided to watch every one of Nic Cage’s movies. I missed a couple but can safely say I have seen 90%+ of them. His commitment to even the stupidest movies is impressive. Some of the movies were so bad and not in the good way, but when he was on screen it was always fun.  I have

“Sebastian Lletget, fiancé and partner of six years to singer Becky G...”

Only because this is like the fifteenth time I’ve seen this misspelling on here and she’s a great actress, not a sister-fucking Lannister:

That vintage Chanel is goddamn beautiful.

Oh good God, can everyone just stop talking about this? I have been on Wegovy for a year and it has immensely helped my blood sugar (pre-diabetic) and my binge eating disorder. I have lost 50 lbs. It has decreased the inflammation all over my body. If you do not want to take it, do not take it. I’m not judging you for

Finally, the answer to my age-old question “Who on this earth found Paul Walker attractive?”

I suspect even more women secretly want to stay single, but can’t afford the astronomical cost of living alone in most parts of the country.

Reminds me how gross the movie Never Been Kissed was in retrospect.

Also, Sharon wearing her husband’s shirt and the Gap shirt were a big deal at the time! It was mentioned in all of the style write-ups, and the teen magazines were showing ideas to incorporate that casual/dressy look for prom. 

Annnnnnnnnd Sharon Stone looked more expensive and classy than anyone on this list. Mandy Moore looked effervescent as ever in that smart little getup, and I just cannot agree more with the sentiment that it is amazing that Destiny’s child outgrew the awful creations of Miss Tina Knowles. Love her DEARLY, but nooooope.

i cant be the only one who initially thought will ferrell was doing something in nyc eh

How is I’ll Be Home For Christmas not on this list? The song is sung by someone who knows they won’t be home for Christmas. That’s the entire point of the final line “…but only in my dreams.” Released in 1943, it was written for soldiers who couldn’t come home for Christmas.