
No love for “Police Academy 2"???

Everybody loves Spider-Man 2; it’s routinely in the discussion of all-time great superhero movies, and I hate it. I thought it was disappointing when I saw it theatrically, and I’ve since re-watched it after a box office champs post here — it still stinks! There are things it does well: it’s really sincere about the

Thank you for giving credit where credit is due to the Brosnan Bonds, which have a replay value that is a bit lacking in the Craig films. I have enjoyed rewatching all of the Brosnan films, including the one people laugh at (Die Another Day, with its invisible car and all that, but that intense fencing sequence is

The biggest problem with the Craig films (which as you say are generally quite good) IS Bond’s constant retiring and/or going rogue. He does it in literally every movie he’s in! Bond is more of an independant adventurer with loose ties to the British government at this point, and it just comes across as silly

They’re not wrong, though. To this day, I cannot fathom the regard given to Skyfall, the film that gives Bond daddy issues and ends with a riff on Home Alone. 

I honestly found the Sandman stuff the stupidest part of it. It retcons Uncle Ben’s murder as an accident and it’s questionable that Peter could’ve stopped it, when in the first one his inaction directly results in Ben’s death, and when he tells Aunt May the look on her face is devastating. 

Rogue Nation is my favorite of the M:I movies. Everyone raves about Fallout and while it did have excellent action scenes, it didn’t feel much like an M:I movie: I expect more subterfuge and clever devices and trickery, rather than car chases and helicopter chases and punching and explosions. (Granted, the bathroom

Mayor Humdinger is from Foggy Bottom.

I don’t care how many people I piss off with this hot take, I’m gonna do it:

Canto Bight fucking blows, is the problem.

This film has some of the best cinematography and visuals in all of Star Ward.

It’s also, narratively, dogshit - a confusing mess of a picture where character’s motivations change on a clock set to Scriptwriting 101 - this is the time in the act structure where X happens, so X happens regardless of whether or not it

TV shows on the GBA? Wasn’t that a $30 cart with an episode of some animated Nickelodeon show for children running at 2 frames per second?

Hooray for love of this movie!
I generally get blank stares from folks when I mention this one (ditto Quick Change) so also nice to find fellow fans here in the comments too.
I can personally attest to the flop status of this one — at least in one Midwestern college town — cuz it played at the theater I worked in high

Gotta say, I’m kind of nonplused  off by the absence of Scooby-Doo. Make all the casting decisions you want, and hell yeah, consider representation. But everything hinges around that talking dog.

I’m going to argue that Skyfall is good on the first viewing...but terrible on second viewings.

Rise of Skywalker is definitely the worst Star Wars movie.

I actually switched to an Apple TV specifically because I found the Fire Stick experience to be genuinely dreadful. I didn’t consider a Roku because my sister-in-law has one and my admittedly limited experience using at her house left me cold.

Yep, two episodes in and I realized this show just made a huge mistake with the flashbacks. When you do flashbacks, it is to inform viewers of who the characters are, it should not spoil the entire plot. Shows like “Lost” (famously) used flashbacks to tell us the shocking things about the characters on the island, it

To visually see dinosaurs like this after years of really awful stop-motion is a feeling I don’t think can ever be replicated again. It also marked a huger step in CGI than Terminator, as that looks a bit more dated now. 

The entire film looked so cheap. Just a handful of actors, half of them unknown, in a single, barely produced setting. It really felt more like the pilot of a TV show (the back stories are barely introduced, the group dynamic settles in only at the end, their destiny is up on the air, there’s an “overarching” villain