
I think in my neck of the woods one of the issues is that theatres no longer have marquees outside, it’s basically a billboard that says go to our website, for our mall multiplex they used to have a huge board with all the showtimes and movies listed. Now it’s just a few screens that are way out of view. We also don’t

Biden should never have ran for a 2nd term. I mean he is 81 , he has done his service they should have planned for someone younger to come in. It doesn’t seem like any other country votes in as many way past their expiry date senators etc as the US.

for me it started with the meter maid chase, it was really slow, and I get it’s a meter maid car, it’s going to be slow but becomes distracting how little camera movement there is in this movie. 

My 2 biggest issues with the movie are 1 Taylor Paige was not very good as Foley’s daughter and my bigger issue is that the camera work was incredibly boring. It was alot of one shot setups like they didn’t have time to do more coverage. It made the action scenes feel slow. There were alot of awkward zooms in whenever

Can AI remember to put my nugget sauce in the bag on a regular basis?

I’m enjoying the show but the cinematography is a bit off putting. It looks too clean and digital. The padawan’s makeup looks like she belongs on some late 90's sci fi show. I’m enjoying the characters and premise but it lacks some of the lighting/ lensing of something like Andor

I think it looks alright, but does Netflix have some sort of editing bay with a preset color grading program that makes all their movies have the same dull colour scheme. Is it that hard to make not make Sunny California look it was shot through a pair of polarized sun glasses. I recently watch Once Upon a Time in

The pod race is such a mixed bag, the race it’s self is good but someone needed to rewrite the script to have it better integrated. All the main characters stop dead for the length of the race. There had to be a way to have the race but make it interesting for the plot other then just winning a part. 

I also think Lucas needed a veteran Cinematographer to help with his shot setups. Phantom has some really terrible shots and setups. Anything on the Nmedion cruiser looks like they plopped down the camera anywhere that their was space between the green screens. There are parts especially on Tatooine that look pretty

Netflix is so weird, their shows often look cinematic while their movies look like flat garbage. 

I was half paying attention to the 1st movie and I thought I missed something when the Bloodaxe guy was recruited and I think I fell asleep and then it was the end. I was sure I missed something. Rewound and nope that was the movie.

There is a book that details some of the behind the scenes of X-men and the show had half the preproduction of Batman and a smaller budget. There were alot of conflicts over the animation. They really went for the Jim Lee look but they could have used some simplifying. I think the 97 series stays true to what they

Is Trump now wearing a wig?

The “ending” fight was so small it looked like it was from a early 90's sci fi show. The backgrounds were muddled and blurry and did not help try and expand the scope. 

Look at something like Oceans 11, it bring together a rag tag group efficiently and you actually have a decent sense of who ever one is. I still have no idea what the hell the guy riding buck beak had anything to do with the movie. He shows off for a bit riding a creature and immediately does nothing else the rest of

I love a good assembling a rag tag bunch, but man this was almost 3/4 of the movie and it was dreadfully boring and I had no interest in any of them. I can’t imagine what the 3 hour cut will be like. I have never seen anyone waste as much screen time as what Snyder does in his movies. 

Be careful reporting any covid injuries or someone on twitter will claim this is the result of the vaccine.

Here in Canada , for a family of 4 we are getting close to 40 - 50 dollars for Mcdonald’s when we could get more complete meals from other restaurants for a similar price. 

I don’t know I think Willow killed itself by being pretty crappy

I don’t think it’s only the xerox animation either, but it seems like many of those late 60's early 70's Disney movies were missing a solid story. They all felt like a series of short vignettes then a coherent overall story.