
I’m 30 minutes in and the lack of energy in scene after scene is seriously sapping my enthusiasm and willpower to continue watching. It has little to do with the original cast’s age and more that I just don’t care about what little narrative information I’ve been given. I find myself drifting away from the screen to

McDonald’s is starting to lose me. The price hikes are starting to get too much. McD’s to me has always been decent food at a cheap price. Now those prices are starting to catch up to better quality food. They are starting to forget their roots and think they are some upscale burger chain.

Maybe critics do get the genre but much of the genre is bad?

I may have missed a memo or 12, but I always thought this was the idea for chargers in the middle of nowhere, or along major highways. The infrastructure should already be there and there's extra amenities. 

Not sure why they’re going in heavy on an app.  Just make it like a gas pump with tap to pay.

I prefer Batman Begins to The Dark Knight.

Generations was released at a time when I was deeply in love with Movies and every movie I saw was the greatest movie ever, so I loved it initially. Later when Movies and I settled into a more old married couple routine I rewatched it and turns out it’s garbage.

2 is not good. The second half is kinda fun when it just turns into a non-stop John Woo self-parody, but as a film it’s really poor. The whole first hour (right up to the lab break-in) is just a waste of your time with basically no redeeming features. Thandiwe Newton is kinda terrible in it too — not that it’s a

I realized a few years ago that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has become my favorite Williams score. The use of period instruments, that flute solo following the bird in flight, the Knight Bus, the bombastic drums at the opening of Buckbeak’s Flight....I could go on. My favorite is the quieter A Window to

And Prisoner of Azkaban was arguably the best Harry Potter score.

Did Skywarp or Thundercracker turn into Cyclonus?
Is Frenzy red or blue?
I’m just asking questions!

The newer take on The Stand deserves a place here. So many awful mistakes made. So many changes that were either at best just unnecessary or at worst weakened the story. The one that comes to mind was the Dark Man’s enclave in Vegas. The book’s group of technically adept people who worked hard and were absolutely

I love the 9th Gate....

catch me on the right day and die hard with a vengeance is my fave of the bunch, but i’m glad to see it made neither list!

It’s kind of all about the moment. The first X-Men movie was like a landmark, incredibly achievement, in that they made an X-Men movie that wasn’t terrible. But yeah, once they started making good ones, it really doesn’t play so well.

I think you’re being a bit dramatic here. Nobody is expecting EV’s to be substantially better than ICE vehicles if they’re doing a reasonable comparison. They’re just looking for something that is going to be similar/comparable without making it a huge inconvenience on their part. People do need to occasionally (or

The fact that the Mace Windu/Palpatine fight is on here is ludicrous. That is easily one of the worst action sequences in the franchise. Ian Mcdiarmid clearly couldn’t do the stunts so he just awkwardly jabs at Windu while sneering and it’s comical. The editing also sucks. 

Agreed. I’m not the biggest fan of Kaminski’s style. It looks like he’s putting everything through the Barbara Walters filter.

I’d like to think it’s also because of people starting to realize Amazon is riddled with cheap and fraudulent products sold by unreliable 3rd parties.

Collateral not even making the top 10 is a crime.