
Thank you. I was an older teen when I saw this, but I understood that not all of it was “for” me. IMO, the review here is projecting a little bit of 2020 technology consumerism onto a 1999 film. Portions of it certainly look dated now, and the failure of live-action actors to really interact with CGI characters seems

as shitty as this movie is, i still consider it better than the two that came after. at least this movie has a podrace. revenge of the sith spends half its runtime on obi-wan hunting down a total nothing of a character, and attack of the clones does even less. 

The prequels took place in all sorts of cool planets and worlds while I the same worlds in the sequels basically consisted of deserts and jungles

I think TPM is probably the most solid of the prequels and least weighed down by Lucas’ weaknesses in writing and fetishization of special effects. That isn’t saying much or saying it’s “good”... I just think it’s the least bad (Attack of the Clones, for my money, being the worst). If the cast were as charismatic as

I finally got around to watching The Clone Wars on Disney+ in the early days of quarantine this year and it made me even sadder about how bad the prequels are. Because when you see these characters and their world in the hands of competent creators you realize that the bones of the story George Lucas was trying to

Reviews of TPM that emphasize the “taxation of trade routes” as a sign that Star Wars had fundamentally miscarried are, to me, seriously missing the mark. The franchise could (already had, if we’re remembering the novels) easily have incorporated more sophisticated plotting and worldbuilding. The problem was that by

The documentary made for the Phantom Menace dvd is more entertaining than the movie.

I’ve softened on these films over the years. Sure, all the same problems remain, but the larger context around them has made these movies more interesting.

Honestly, as a Canadian this is one of the things that just boggles about the way the US works. How the hell can you not do elections right after all this time?

Yeah I assumed the little boy was moving them around as a warning system to protect people. 

-The Lady of the Lake doll was just a doll to signify where she was, just like with all the other dolls. The little ghost kid was moving them around the dollhouse to indicate where everyone was. If the Lady of the Lake doll was beneath the dresser (?), then she was in teh lake.

Bly Manor is, at the very least, a far better vessel for Mike Flanagan’s sentimental streak than Hill House. While I agree that the pacing and structure issues of the show up to this point knock it about a little, I think the ending works, tonally, in a way that Hill House’s ending abjectly did not work.

As a Navy veteran myself, I hope Hanks doesn’t consider Greyhound a substitute for a full-on WWII Navy series a la BoB/The Pacific/Masters of the Air. Greyhound was decent enough as a montage of several scenes of naval warfare, I guess, but it was barely a movie in its own right, let alone a season’s worth of

I do derive a bit of guilty pleasure at the absolute torture-porn slapstick of this movie. Sam Raimi should have directed it.

I don’t know how old this woman is, but in this photo her plastic surgery makes her look like a 70-year-old socialite who wants to look 40 again. I don’t understand the lure of cosmetic surgery when so many people think they’ll end up looking like a Kardashian and end up looking like an elderly, waxen robot?

This isn't a bad film, and it certainly represented somewhat of a bounce-back from Pixar's (so-far) all time nadir in Cars 2. But despite all the promising elements, ti me, this is probably the studio's most middling effort. There's nothing really wrong with it, but nothing really good either.  The plot just seems to

For me, Finding Nemo is Pixar finding the near-perfect synthesis of animation, score, subject matter, and ensemble. I am a Thomas Newman superfan, and I think that the Nemo score is his second-greatest accomplishment in elevating a movie from good to truly great (behind only The Shawshank Redemption). In Nemo, his

Elizabeth Warren: She understood this election and this country has to be more than just “Not Trump.” She had ambitious ideas and detailed plans that don’t fit well in a sound byte and yet was still one of the best speakers and debaters in the bunch. She had experience and education and compassion. She had my vote

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This movie fares the worst of the three from George’s obsessive fiddling with them starting in ‘97 with the Special Editions. After Luke falls from the gantry, there had been a scene where Vader storms through the city with his troops at his heels and he says three words, ‘Bring my Shuttle.’ Watch it. His entire