
I’ve caught a few glimpses of Good Bones which was fun because the daughter is very easy on the eyes.  That’s all I know about them.  So, they’re orthopedists or something?

I would like to see those movies, not just in “movie” format, but also as individual WWoD episodes, complete with Walt’s intro/outro bumpers and the WWoD open.

All I know is: porgs or I riot.

yeah, i do enjoy the 90min UK murder mystery show - Wallender, Jack Taylor, Jack Irish, etc etc.

Yeah, the church sub-plot and Sofia Coppola were just one of the many things why that movie is awful. It almost feels like an entirely different genre, like as if they got Tony Scott or Joel Shumacher to direct and gave them a bag of cocaine and told them: “Go nuts”. That is the only reason I can think of for having a

“Wait up guys!”

I swear, I cannot and will not ever understand how there’s absolutely no one in fucking Washington DC that will sit this braindead moron and tell him to shut the fuck up.

He could have easily given them both something to do. A lot of the movie is just garbage filler anyway (there’s always a bigger fish), replace it with something that does something. Demonstrate character, develop relationships, create or resolve tension, just something that has an impact besides being cool CG and

A movie I really enjoyed from ‘99 was Outside Providence, which seems all but forgotten lately. I think of it as thinking person’s American Pie (another gem from that year).

The ending of Lost.  Made me retroactively hate a show I loved.

While we are at it can we get some consistency on label location and legibility? I hate scanning all over a can, bottle or package looking for the damn date. Not to mention that when I finally do find it looks like it was printed in 1980 by a bunch of elves with a dot-matrix printer...

They will outlaw abortions, but leave newborns to die if their parents can’t pay hospital bills.

It is not 1. It is 9. Order of operations says it is 9. I have a Masters in Math and have taught math for 25 years. Writing 6 divided by 2(1+2) is not the same as writing it as a fraction. When you write something as a fraction, it is the same as using parenthesis around the numerator (the top) and parenthesis around

Whenever I’m dealing with an automated system that won’t accept my postal code in lieu of a zip, I just use 90210.

You don’t need a car to not die. That isn’t true of health care.

A couple of things spring to mind here.

Self check-out is objectively slower than normal registers. The employees can scan things much, much faster than the machine that insists you bag every item immediately after scanning it. Like, in the time it takes basically everyone to do a couple items, the employees could be entirely finished. The only reason self


Yascha Mounk had a good article on Slate today that outlined his concerns, I believe, pretty fairly and concisely. The main problem we’re facing right now is that, I believe, the fairest and most accurate read of the situation requires that we fight our instincts to be team players.

Wait, so does Hyundai simply not exist?
Have I been driving a fantasy this entire time??
Is my fantasy even still parked out behind my office right now???
Are there four question marks at the end of this sentence????