
I think it’s a big failure that only 70% switched over ,to what was essential just a name change. 

Sucker Punch is the movie I’m afraid Rebel Moon will turn after. 

So car makers are inventing gas stations for EV’s. 

Oh no you mean I would say about half of halloween candy gets thrown out, because it’s crap.

The Dark Knight Rises is easily Nolan’s laziest film. 

Better to spent 150 on He-man, the 200 on Gray man, or Red notice or some other generic shit.

Is there a legitimate reason that Hybrids have not been pushed more as a form of transition? I would assume hybrid technology is more stable and mature at this point then EV’s?

It doesn’t even look that good , just a small platform and some blue screen.

When  I first saw it, I was amazed at seeing the upgraded bridge on the big screen. Looking back now this movie is obviously cheap and under baked.

Top Gun is garbage. It’s basically a remake of police academy. It has some cool aerial scenes

I might be the only one to place 5 first, 6 and 4 next. 1 has grown on me over the years. 3 has gotten worse for me over the years, initially I liked that it had a team but I dislike the lighting  as well as how small scale it is. 2 is just trash. 

I can’t be the only one that doesn’t remember any puppet show scene in Rise of Skywalker. My biggest complaint about Force Awakens was that it missed the slower moments that previous Star Wars movies had between action. Rise of Skywalker amped that up to an 11. 

I think there are a couple of things at play, theatres are trying to make up for covid shut downs with increased prices, movies are more expensive to make because of covid protocols, and the streaming window is too short.

I’d replace Sorcessor’s Stone with the much better Prisoner of Azkaban score.

I don’t understand why EV chargers aren’t replicating the model used by gas stations. One benefit of a gas station is they are easily identifiable. Public EV charging stations are just random boxes with little to no support if something goes wrong. 

Why did the instecticons turn into Scourges minions and then reappear again later? What happed to Cyclonus’ armada? 

The Stand was written as an American Lord of The Rings , so it makes no sense to cut the journey to flashbacks. I really had high hopes for the newer version. I enjoyed the original Stand mini series but it really suffers from the budget and the early 90's mini series style. I thought with a bigger budget that we get

So he is going to shoot it in with the shallow depth that looked like shit on Army of the Dead.

I worked for an ISP call centre, and we would get dinged on quality if we didn’t ask the user to power cycle the modem, regardless if we knew from the description of the problem that this was not going to make any difference. Stick to the preset troubleshooting steps that the ticket software would tell you to follow

He isn’t wrong, Netflix dumps so much stuff on their service that the majority of it gets lost. Netflix spends 200 million on movies that have journeymen directors, poor effects and completely generic concepts. I did like the Adam Project but it really felt like a bigger budget, Wonderful world of disney story.