
I don’t like this trend of removing shows and they are not available anywhere else. That being said Willow was garbage. The movie was never great but it was cheesy 80's fantasy, the show seemed so far removed from the movie, that I’m not even sure why they even used the name. 

As a former ISP call centre employee nothing makes me angrier to see the suggestion to contact your ISP when there is an issue with a specific app. 

Why not call it WB Max with HBO as a sub channel the way that Disney + has Star in Canada for more the HBO stuff. I always thought calling it HBO Max was an issue too because it was confusing that associated HBO with a certain style of show, when the streaming service was more diverse.

Really we have had almost 30 years of terrible video game adaptions, it’s nice to have something respectful of the tone of the game.

I’m trying to understand how someone could run into another skier and just keep on going. For the most part you would both get tangled up. It would take lot to knock someone down and not lose a step.

We went to Applebees our first night in Times Square , it was late, we were tired and hungry and never had Applebees before. Let’s just say the rest of our trip we only ate at local places. 

I’m not surprised, I liked the characters but it seemed very aimless and didn’t seem all that connected to the Willow movie. 

The problem with the Netflix film model, is that the overpay for talent. I suspect it’s because of the lack of theatrical distribution for boxoffice points, but while the Netflix tv shows look cinematic, I find the movies look cheap and underwhelming despite massive budgets

Me too, if only it was readily available somewhere

Can someone explain to me what salesforce actually is? I’ve searched and I cannot seem to get anything other then buzzwords. 

I’m aware of Blade but he was really a d list character and his association with Marvel comics was not really well promoted. 

I might be in the minority here but I would probably add the Dark Knight Rises to the list. It suffers the same problems as Godfather III, uninterested director, lazy production values and placing the quality supporting cast in the backseat. 

I agree the 1st X-men was the first main stream Marvel property that looked like a reasonable effort to translate their property to the big screen. That being said comparing it to other movies of the time period, ie. the Matrix, the Mummy, etc, it looks like an expensive Scifi channel pilot. 

MI 2 is trash, MI3 is sort of like a rough draft of where the Missions Impossible movies would go after when better writers and directors got a hold of it. 

I really wish Trek would ditch the JJ-verse colour grading that seems to be the default Trek style now.

There are too much data analytics involved with Netflix’s decisions, which is why we get bland movies like Red Notice. 

Honest question, why does Keaton’s batman’s suit look so plasticky, compared to the Returns suit from 30 years ago

I honestly don’t get the need for this , part of the reason I like using Apple products is because of the closed system, as opposed to the wide open mess that Android sometimes ends up

 I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think I prefer it if Michael Bay comes back. The 3rd movie was missing his style.

Range anxiety is not a made up fear. If my  ICE care only gets 500km to a tank, well I can fill up in less then 5 minutes. If an EV gets 400km to a charge but it takes an hour or more to charge then that’s a problem. It’s not the range , it’s the lack of infrastructure for charging and the time it takes to charge