
I don’t know why a gas station wouldn’t start to implement chargers. For the most part many of these stations also have infrastructure for food, bathrooms etc. It seems like for some reason someone decided that charging stations are best just placed in remote areas with nothing around them. Why break a model that

I’m surprised Top Gun never got a cinematography nod

Is Snyder shooting this with that stupid canon camera look that Army of the Dead had?

As a Canadian our healthcare is not perfect and dealing with shortages the same as everywhere but I’ll never understand how anyone would prefer the American system. It’s bad enough to stress over a medical issue without having to add on the stress of dealing with the complexities of insurance. The overhead in

I came to say the same thing, everything about that scene was poorly done. People complain about the throne scene in Last Jedi but at least that is well edited and shot well, the choreography is off but it looks at least like some effort was put into staging it.

The Jedi/Windu vs Palpatine should be on no ones list of best light saber battles. 

Measles was almost considered eradicated in North America until the antivax movement upended that.

I bet it was because of Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

Maybe it’s just me but I thought the cinematography in the trailer looks miles better then whatever Kaminski was trying to do with Crystal Skull. I like Kaminski’s look for AI or Minority report but the lighting was terrible on Crystal Skull

Wonderful Christmastime is a terrible terrible song yet I can’t help but leave it on when it comes on the radio.

The parks have really gone downhill under Chapek, perks of staying on resort have been removed and the cost have skyrocketed. The parks have always been busy but now it’s become unaffordable for many and those who do go have said the experience is lacking.

I hate trying to find stuff on Amazon, at one time you could count on things being purchased from Amazon, now it’s all 3rd party sellers and sketchy low quality products. You have to be extra careful trying to find anything that has a proper brand name.

I would disagree, the script wasn’t the best but it wasn’t terrible. The main issue with Spectre is that it was dull and lacklustre in execution. Dull colour grading, a poor score and just dull editing. 

But this goes to the root of the argument, so we are at the point where anyone can come up with any wild conspiracy theory and it’s on the victim to prove otherwise. 

There is a certain charm to the hallmark Christmas movies that Netflix hasn’t really been able to replicate. I think like the MCU there is a certain machine in place to produce these with a certain level of quality. 

I think The Stand CBS version was awful right from the start. The casting was fine on paper but the awful desicion to do a Lost style structure killed the show. The Stand is more along of the lines of a lord of the rings style journey and the progression of the characters is really important to the story. I was always

Can we get him to adapt The Stand?

My hot take is that The World is not Enough is the best Brosnan Bond movie, partially undone by Denise Richard’s casting and being boringly directed and shot. I think Spectre is a movie that could be turned into a servicable mid tier Bond in post production. Better editing, score and colour grading could fix a movie

The FCC killed saturday morning cartoons with their advertising rules. 

In Canada we have Star as a sub category , it’s great. Watch a disney movie or Die Hard.