
Their reliance on their algorithm really does their content a disservice. I can’t count how many times I have discovered stuff by accident months or years after it came out. Stuff gets buried on Netflix in a way it doesn’t on other streaming services.

The light cycles were less interesting in the sequel , simply because they could move around freely. There was something more interesting about the bikes moving 90 degree angles. 

I agree Crystal Skull looks lazy, the one part of the movie that felt like an Indy movie was the college motor cycle chase. It felt real and had some energy. The problem with the mcguffin is that it just shows up and there is very little investigation of it. I’m looking forward to the new movie because Mangold might

Netflix’s problem is that they charge extra for things that other services provide as standard. Disney Plus offers 4k + 4 concurrent streaming in their base package. Netflix still has too many tiers of packages that are too expensive. To me going after password sharing is a waste of Netflix time and resources when

I think where Jurassic World failed for me is they didn’t lean into exploring the working park as much as they should have. Adding in all the stuff with the military, the kids parents getting divorced, etc could have been streamlined. 

I think the difference is that TFA is better made then Rise of Skywalker. Rise’s editing is a mess, cinematography is all of Abrams worst instincts of colour grading and visual noise. Exegol looks like they forgot to design anything so they just hid it in strobe lights and fog. That being said the warning signs were

Visually this trailer is where the Sequel trilogy should have headed. I think Abrams took the wrong lessons from why people perfered the OT to the Prequels. It wasn’t desert and forest planets, but the characters. My biggest disappointment with the Sequel trilogy was how sparse and rural the locations were.

I watched it all and it never gets better, and what’s even more surprising is that as cheesy as the 94 movie is , it somehow looks less cheap then the CBS All access one.

I was just going to say when I saw this article, let HBO or someone do the Stand in linear order.

How about Microsoft figure out how to fix the windows update so it doesn’t try to update at inconvenient times. It seems like no matter what you configure it will still find a way to pick the worst possible time to do a massive update

I hate to admit this but I think Netflix has to consider weekly releases instead of dumping shows all at once.

Along with the price hikes, Netflix has fallen behind on it’s plans, Disney offers 4k and 4 devices as a standard, while Netflix continues with their outdated mutli tier offerings.

The 70's Columbo episodes worked so much better then the 90's ones. I think one of the overlooked reasons was the sound design had changed. There is something comforting about 70's tv sound design. It almost has an ASMR quality to it. On a side note did anyone really like McLoud?

I hope this movie is great, and outdoes the original. Top Gun is basically a remake of Police Academy  but with better action.

Why can’t someone, I would say Netflix but given their animation situation I guess not, do a new series that irons out the bumps caused by trying to mash 3 unrelated series together. I would love to see the SDF1 saga actually play out and not dropped like the original series. 

Lets be honest the way Netflix works now, if it’s not Bridgerton or Stranger Things you will never know when the fuck anything gets added anyway

Netflix needs to justify it’s price increase by offering 4 devices and 4k on it’s standard plan like everyone else. It also needs to do a better job of advertising new content, I often don’t realize a new season of a show is out or a movie is there unless I come across it accidentally.

Netflix has a bad habit of just dumping content on the service and not advertising it. Also constant price increases, while still only allowing 2 devices at a time and no 4k without an extra charge. The thing is Netflix has a good stable platform but they need stop just throwing everything at the wall. 

Anyone else think the name should be Spirit of Halloween and not Spirit Halloween?

I think Meyers did the best he could with the budget he had , but a few establishing shots or just a few better sets would have made a world of difference. Visually Generations seems to try harder to look expensive but I think I would have settled for cutting the ocean scenes for a better starship battle.