
I think Harry Styles is a manly man, not because of what he wears, I could care less about that, it’s just he always looks like he smells like B.O.

I think the podrace goes on to long and it stops the movie dead. All the characters we have followed thus far in the movie are put on the sidelines. 

The more I think about it the more I agree, Rise of Skywalker has no rewatch value for me. 

Honestly my favourite scene from the Phantom Menace is Quigon and Maul fighting on Tatooine. It’s quick, it’s dirty and in a real outdoor environment. It was like nothing we had ever seen before. It was probably the most visceral scene in TPM. 

What’s worse is Lucas seems to go out of his way to subvert almost ever concept we imagined from the original trilogy. 

To make things worse, we never learn any of the interesting things , like how Jedi train, how Anakin was seduced by the dark side, how he became Darth Vader , who the Sith are. 

For me it’s a toss up between Rise of Skywalker and Attack of the Clones for worst Star Wars movie. AOTC looks like shit and has some terrible acting, but the Obi Wan vs Jango Fett in the rain scene is pretty good. Rise of Skywalker is probably the ugliest Star Wars movie, it has that high contrast JJ Abrams look that

It is it’s just a shame the digital video looks terrible. It didn’t look great when it came out and looks even worse now.

I think Return of the Jedi starts to suffer from Lucas’ cheapness. The film stock is decidedly 80's, the cinematography is bland and a big step down from Empire. The story isn’t terrible, but they never figured out what to do with Solo and everyone seems to lack interest.

The problem with the sequels is that the word building sucked. We don’t really get a good idea of how the universe is setup. The first order is confusing, same with the resistance. There were some elements in Last Jedi that were interesting about war profiteering but we had to spend time on a low speed chase through

And the pod race really has no bearing on the plot of the movie, and basically comes down to they need a part for their spaceship. How much better would the pod race be if say Anakin was a protagonist from the start and he had to compete to win the their freedom or something along those lines. At least something that

I completely agree with your assessment. The prequels had good ideas behind that were not fleshed out and poorly visualized, while the sequels had good acting and interesting characters but without a solid idea of where the story should go. 

If you want to talk about smaller, Revenge of the Sith is almost a bottle episode of a show. A good 75% of the movie takes place in a few offices on Coruscant. I would argue the Sequel Trilogy fell down on the job of displaying the universe as well. I would have liked to see more urban environments. The Prequels

I don’t get how at least 1 person who worked on the movie couldn’t say, you know the Jar Jar design and voice aren’t working. Whatever you think of the character, his design and the design of all the gunguns is completely out of place with anything else we have seen in Star Wars.

That’s the thing though even the movie was off even before Jar Jar showed up. Awkward staging of shots, bland performances, and terrible animatronics and voice acting. 2 scenes that stand out for me about the staging, are the scene where Darth Maul appears behind Sidious in hologram form, Sidious appears to be sat

I saw Phantom Menace at the opening midnight screening, and all I remember was how awkward everything in the opening was shot. Boring camera angles, dull staging. I think it was about the time that Sidious’s hologram shows up on the bridge , I was wondering what the hell is going on. 

Can’t wait until next time to discuss, quite possibly the visually ugliest blockbuster I have ever seen.

I don’t say this often about a movie, but this movie needed to be longer. There was something about the courtroom scenes that seems like we were missing scenes. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes or so. I enjoyed the acting but I it seemed like it came to the conclusion very quickly.

What I don’t understand is why Trump supporters seem to think Trump is doing anything for them? In Trumps whole life he is only done things that Benefit Trump, he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else. 

So I understand how the Electoral College works, I don’t know why. Can someone explain to me why all of the electoral college votes go to a particular candidate no matter the margin of victory ? Why should all of Florida’s 29 votes go to Trump when he won by only a few points?