
I think the placement of the episode was the main issue with it. I like your idea of placing it after the first Two faced episode though.

I have to say I liked this episode, however I don’t think it needed to be a full episode and it shouldn’t have been the 2nd to last. It’s the same problem that happened with Stranger Things season 2. I think it could have been structured into another episode.

If there is one thing the Cameron knows how to do is put his budget on screen. I remember watching Titanic and thinking there is no way I’ll see another movie look as expensive as this one, and it really wasn’t until the Lord of the Rings trilogy that I saw something of that scope. 

I think CBS all access was the wrong venue for this. I would actually think HBO or Netflix would have been a better option. On a side note, one thing I find odd about Netflix is their series’ are pretty cinematic for the most part but their movies look direct to video. 

I don’t know,  maybe it’s just the trailer, but I was hoping for a more cinematic take. 

Trump and Pence know that there Covid response has been a disaster. That’s why they keep going back to Trump banning travel from China , is all they can point to. Keep in mind it did nothing to stop the spread. Trump constantly undermining the message. Pence trying to gaslight people into thinking that that they have

Can anyone explain what ambulatory oxygen levels are? Why is it phrased that way?

I’d like to say I just saw Jason Miller on CNN. What a fucking clown, trying to justify Trumps joy ride. Oh now Trumps is going to take the virus head on. Almost 8 months later he is going to take it seriously now. 

To be fair, there is also reporting that Trump did not want to go to Walter Reed and had to be convinced to do so. I think his bluster is to make himself look strong and in control.

I think the 1st half of the movie is well done, but what really kills the 2nd half is the blandness of the visuals. Once we get past all the destruction we get dull looking interiors and bland alien designs. The 2nd movie had a good premise, at least I thought, but rushed through the destruction part and had a cast of

I think probably the worst part for me was when he went off on Biden for using the word Smart

Exactly, there are already some complaining because Chris Wallace spent more time calling out Trump then Biden. If these were kids , you don’t punish both kids equally because one is causing more trouble then the other, just to be fair. 

Trump clearly has no plan for the next 4 years, which is why he doesn’t want to debate policy. I have to say one of the more bizarre comments was how he was saying insulin was so cheap it was like water.

I really hope he gets help, but I wonder how many people’s lives are destroyed in the wake of working for Trump.

I love Die Hard with a Vengance, until the last bit when they end up on the container ship. It’s too bad they couldn’t have come up with an ending that fit the rest of the movie.

I agree they were expensive but the console was also cheaper, the same with things like controllors.

I’d like to know how rich Soros is , since he seems to be funding every left wing initiative in the world it seems. 

Trump is such a bizarre guy, sometimes he says things he knows are false to troll people but there are other times you can tell he is a complete idiot. Stuff like asking if the flu vaccine will help the Coronavirus. 

That’s actually a pretty good rebranding to be honest. It might take away the stigma that’s it just CSI and NCIS reruns.

That’s what gets me about this outrage of the Netflix movie. Prior to this TLC used to have Toddler’s in Tiara’s and Dance Mom’s, where was the outrage when they were on?