
That’s honestly not at all what happens, and it’s a shame that they author decided to be outraged just to be outraged.

The girls tell their story, name names, and let it all out. His wealth is shown so the viewer can feel how powerless these girls felt in contrast. Is it perfect? No, it probably could have done more,

Yes, it was very good. And, for that matter, so was Ender’s Game.

Wasn’t her hair comment like a year or two ago? And I mean, hotel shampoo isn’t a hill I’d die on for Halsey, but she wasn’t exactly wrong? Maybe a bit naive, though. Not all conditioners are created equal, so you right. I’m gonna be honest, I can’t name a single song of hers, but power to her for getting out there

Haircare is trivial now?

No, you are completely correct. Her’s is about as perfect a take as one can get. Though, as someone darker than her, I’d love to tell her she’d be perfectly within her and our rights to use “we” if she ever wanted to.

I feel like Halsey’s in an extremely difficult position, but her take is the best one possible? (The tweet appears to have been deleted so I can’t see the reactions. Also, I’m so white I’m a ghost so I could very well be wrong here.)

Black people can’t you go back to being bitten by dogs it will make white americans feel sad. What are you smoking?

“Chief Moore, you have the most racist eyebrows I’ve ever seen,”

ANTIFA should just rename itself to Very Fine People.

Literally no major social or political revolution has happened without some level of violence.

You did not read the link apparently. MLK’s non-violent efforts to get that bill passed failed. It was described at the time as the most filibustered bill in history. MLK is assassinated, triggering nationwide violent riots and protests. As a result, the bill got passed.

“Give me one example, please!”
*Receives several examples*

How hilariously pedantic to claim that the founding of our country technically doesn’t have anything to do with our country because it happened before the papers were signed. 

Whoo boy, the notion that the US — which again, has committed literal genocide, routinely abuses wide swathes of its people in service of capital, exports violence and death around the word to secure its power, and incarcerates both a greater percentage of its population and a greater number of people period than any

Well, I think that’s kind of an absurd line to draw given violent protests created the “American context,” and the violent actions I was referring to that hastened the end of slavery were Nat Turner’s, John Brown’s, and so many others. The modern LGBT rights movement dates back to anti-police riots, during the civil

This entire country was founded on violence where’s the evidence that non violence gets these thugs to stop stealing land, enslaving people, and respecting their right to live in fucking peace?

This country literally only exists because of violent protest, and every single advance in its history — extension of the franchise, the end of chattel slavery, the civil rights movement, LGBTQ equality, labor power — has been the result of violent and nonviolent actions operating in conjunction. In fact, it’s only

I’m a white liberal. I say burn it all down to the fucking ground.

I answer your question with a question: when, at any point in history, did a group of historically disenfranchised people ever gain rights, equality, legal recognition, etc. by asking politely?

reading white liberals condemning the riots have been frustrating. black people have to constantly read and watch their community be horribly brutalized and straight up murdered, by those who swore to protect you no less. not only that, they have every single thing in life stacked against them. imagine having that