
Karma plays the long game.

1. I hope he is adopted by a loving family that meets his needs and changes his name (for his privacy but also because Huxley is awful).

Facts that contradict Jezebel’s “Bernie is the best candidate ever” policy are by definition wrong.

  • “For example, in North Carolina, overall turnout was up 17 percent youth turnout was down 9 percent,” John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Institute of politics told Power Up. “There’s not evidence to suggest that Sanders has expanded the electorate among young people in important ways.”

So, yeah — I like numbers. So I thought I’d look at the numbers.

Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?

Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?

In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.

Yeah, her pole dancing comment was especially rich. When rich white women with winged eyeliner pole dance it’s “burlesque” or “fit-tease” or whatever. 

And you wear other peoples’ identities as a costume to give yourself the air of cred and grit...fuck this woman. what's crystal clear after all of this is that Lana is obsessed with one thing: Herself.

No one is suggesting you aren’t suffering. All women suffer for our gender, but in drastically different ways.

Apparently, Harry hates the term “Megxit” because it implies Meghan was the one who wanted to leave the U.K., though it is a convenient pun. Perhaps “Susxit”

Look, we get it. You don’t like Biden. You didn’t want him to be the nominee. I don’t like him either. I certainly didn’t vote for him in my primary. But it’s him or Trump at this point. He’s not going to drop out and magically give Bernie or Warren the nomination. He’s what we’re stuck with. Is there any chance of us

It’s the writers’ job here to complain about non-Bernie candidates as much as possible. You can kind of tell who writes the Barf Bag for the day by how much space they spend complaining about Biden. If it’s most of the column, it’s Joan. If it’s roughly half, it’s Ashley.

He's not selling his soul. It's a goddamn tv show, and it's his job to make money off such projects. I sincerely doubt anyone at Jezebel wouldn't jump at the chance if CBS (or even some third tier cable channel) offered them a deal based on the snarky Jez videos.

Except a Juris Doctorate is a grad degree and her bachelor’s degree from Antioch is a lie. So, is a grad degree legit if you didn’t complete the coursework that was necessary for you to even be accepted to law school? 

You’re talking in circles. Tara Reade’s story, when you dig into it, is that not only has she lied about “little details” (like why she left her job at Joe Biden’s office, by my count there are at least 5 explanations that have been given) or things you could attribute to her sexual assault (such as the date and exact

And that’s why HR departments typically have a multitude of tactics to screen out candidates who may have lied on their resume, and it’s grounds for rescinding an offer and even dismissal from a job! And it’s actually a pretty big deal if you get caught, despite the fact that you think it’s nbd because lots of people

exaggerating your resume is a far cry from saying you helped write the violence against women act.....

That is not normal behavior. If you think it is, well, I can imagine you’ve been fired from a lot of jobs.