
who gives a fuck how Chrissy chooses to deal with her grief, that’s up to her. if you have the option to hate on her pain or not hate on her pain, just choose not to hate on it.

Biden’s voting record as a Senator was in fact left-of-middle. He was actually close to dead center -within- the Democratic Party, putting him just as far from being a centrist as a lefty, and really far from the right wing.

I think it’s telling that the current Jez staff appears to know every contestant in the Bachelor franchise and all the personal details of the “waitstaff” from Bravo spin-offs yet seem largely unfamiliar with three very successful female actor/producer/directors who are all highly regarded for their work.

So this is a feminist website that can’t tell some extremely talented and successful women apart? Makes total sense!

I was teetering on the edge of “enough already” until she took the cat for a walk in a stroller. That actually saved her for me. 

I hope this was not making fun of jennifer garner. she’s charming!

I think that was just actual genocide. 

Cultural genocide? You mean the thing that happened to the indigenous peoples of North America?

I’ve said it on here before, and I’ll say it again: 50 Cent remains one of the dumbest, most trifling people I’ve ever met. In the nearly two years I worked as a designer for the G-Unit line, I was continually irritated by the stupid shit that fell out of his mouth. He's trash.

To me this is why you don’t f@ck with someone that doesn’t have as much to lose as you do. I appreciate that Will and Jada were separated. I don’t appreciate the kiss and tell from August. I would feel the same if it was me as a non celebrity. If some MF that I had dealt with in the past started talking about what we

Well yeah, that too. I feel like some writers aren’t able to calibrate their tone to funny snark and instead settle for sardonic bitterness.

Joan has always been weirdly bitter and salty about the mere existence of celebrities other people and it leaks into her writing all the time,

Joan has always been weirdly bitter and salty about the mere existence of celebrities and it leaks into her writing all the time, which is odd since she presumably knew this was a celebrity gossip site when she got hired.

The Jezebel writeup is so different than The Root’s writeup. In the Jezebel writeup, there’s a lot of energy given to how coy Jada and Will are about the timeline of events, and how most people will never really know what happened, and pokes fun at the overuse of the word “healing”, which, legit.

Not really weird, considering the name of the show is “The Red Table.” You gotta have the table front and center in a show with that name.

Why else would he move back in as soon as he turned 18?

I agree that he doesn’t really sound like Gaetz’s son, but let’s also think about the bizarre logic at play here. A Democrat accused Gaetz of not trying to protect people of color because he doesn’t have non-white children. Gaetz’s reply? “I have a non-white child, and I still don’t care about protecting people of

Pardon me for pointing out the obvious, but if any other grown-ass unmarried man “adopted” a strapping, young teen boy and kept him fairly secret for years (after “dating” his older sister and then dropping her when maybe she was no longer necessary. Where is she in all of this now, anyway?) and then outed himself for

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

Gaetz is an awful piece of garbage so I'm going to assume the absolute worst about their relationship. You can probably imagine.