
But calling up a bunch of landlords and giving them a bullhorn to vent about missed rent payments only contributes to a culture of silence in which the majority of victims never report their assaults

I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this but I think the reason a lot of people are bending over backwards to believe Ms. Reade is because the right has effectively weaponize “Believe women” to paint progressives as hypocrites and I think most people could have seen that coming a mile away. Unfortunately, issues


This blog.

I’m not sure this article really tracks with what Politico was doing. To go public with a sexual assault case against a powerful individual requires one of two things: evidence, or a leap of faith on behalf of the public.

“Never having struggled, never having been dishonest, and never having spoken positively of an alleged abuser.”

While she did write some strongly-worded tweets about Wallis (calling her cocky), she never called her a c**t. That was a tweet from the Onion.

Okay dude, console yourself with that puritan stance when Trump replaces RBG with an unqualified GOP loon.

Amen Jinni.

Dear Bernie Bro,

On the other hand, it’s not a black man’s responsibility to tell white people that they need to fight racial injustice. They should do that themselves on their own initiative.

I am an American currently living in a Middle Eastern country with a very strict lockdown but very few cases of coronavirus. So I boned. A lot. This country has a curfew from 6 pm every night to 8 am in the morning during which you can’t leave your home, taxis don’t run, etc.

If the dating subs on reddit...REDDIT...saw fit to ban posts about breaking quarantine, who d fuck do you think you are?

This is fucking ridiculous and should not have been published.

Here’s the thing. I don’t think you can expect Reese or Jezebel to write positive articles about Biden. It is a bit tiring at times to force that snark on everything he does, but they should also have the room to be critical of his actions and choices, even if he is running against Trump.

“Former Vice President Joe Biden’s reputation as a serial toucher has, in a way, turned the sexual assault allegations against him into a matter of, “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

This makes me actually sick to my stomach. I just had to attend and speak at a memorial for my 20-year old student who died of Covid-19 and I hope you ALL feel complete shame for choosing your own needs over the health of others.

Don’t glorify or give these shitheads attention. Some of us are trying to not die.

And I needed for someone to touch my body after having not even have received so much as a hug for over 6 weeks.... Most of my friends were quarantined with partners; they receive touch every single day and have a shoulder to cry on. I was happy for them, and also felt resentful for any judgment that could have come