
Another iconic, recently discontinued car is the VW New Beetle (1997-2019).

Most of these (lobster, eel, salmon, oysters) boil down to “there used to be lots of these, then we fished them to near extinction and now only rich people can afford them”.  Maybe we should stop doing that.  By the way, tuna and cod will probably join this list in few decades.

It makes me laugh that the very same people who think that socialism is from the devil and the government should never interfere with the free market are the first ones to say “the government needs to do something about gas prices!” whenever they can’t afford to fill their gas-guzzling SUVs.

While I wouldn’t open any files on a strange flash drive, there should be no harm in looking at the contents (unless your OS is set to automatically run or boot from USB, which it absolutely shouldn’t be). BTW, it’s Stuxnet, not Stunext.

Single *asterisk* or _underline_ is for italics. Double **asterisk** or __underline__ is for bold (in Google Doc and in most other Markup apps).

It should take less than 5 minutes of driving to replace the power used to start the car, unless it’s very cold.

There’s also the ALT codes (link to table). Hold down the ALT key and enter the number from the num pad. For example, ALT + 251 = √

1. Reset your router

Enter password: correcthorsebatterystaple

>There are two types of people in the world: Those who think something vaguely maple flavored and loaded with high fructose corn syrup counts as “maple syrup” and those who know the difference between golden and very dark varieties.

“If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?” What! Am I dying?

I remember as a kid asking my dad if we could get room service (at the Days Inn). He laughed and gave me a handful of change and said I could have whatever I wanted at the vending machine.

If you “aren’t storing much data locally” then the recycle bin isn’t actually using up much (or any) space. Removing it doesn’t actually provide any benefit while keeping it might save your bacon in some rare instance. A bit like saying “I almost always ride the subway, so I might as well cut those seat belts out of

How about using less oil?  That helps the environment AND sticks it to Putin at the same time.

Between the ages of 9 and 50-something, I have seen Star Wars literally hundreds of times but never noticed until last year that the markings on the wing of an X-Wing indicate the pilot’s call-sign (i.e. Luke’s “Red 5" has 5 red stripes on the wing, Wedge’s “Red 2" has 2 red stripes, etc).

You might want to change your starting word from BEAST to LEAST (L is more than twice as common as B in English words).

“The interesting thing here is, even though there are emojis for almost every symbol Apple uses for reactions, Google decided to go with smileys rather than more straightforward icons.”

 Just to be clear, none of these services allow you to download actual music files (at least not without DRM that ties it to their platform and locks them out without a current subscription). When these apps talk about transferring playlists and “libraries”, it’s really just a list of song titles (which may or may not

Here’s another brillant life hack:  When you car runs out of gas, instead of buying a new car, you can just take it to the nearest gasolene supplier to have it refilled.  Think of all the money you’ll save.

Some people think cash is tacky but I would gladly take it over anything on this list. Helping me pay my bills is far more appreciated than a gift I will throw away, re-gift, or just keep out of obligation. Put your thoughtfulness into the message you write on the card instead of the gift. If your personal self-worth