
Firetrucks are for everyone.  We need more women firefighters.

They also call it dressing in Newfoundland. In fact, a common comfort food is french fries, dressing & gravy (sometimes called “Newfoundland Poutine”).

Sounds a lot like Google Lens (only years latter and not as good).

2014? I heard a variation of the killer snail riddle from my high school english teacher back in the 80s and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t new even then. It’s just a way to force young people to think about their slowly but surely impending mortality (do you waste your time and money on fleeting pleasures or use them to

Transformers (the animated movie). Optimus Prime dies in the first 5 minutes? Just so they can sell more toys? Traumatized as a child; still angry as an adult.

“...the repeated scraping of the blade against wood upon removal can dull your knives over time”

Slide Deck is even more old-timey than Power Point (from the days when actual slide projectors were used for presentations). What’s the next hipster term, Overhead Transparencies?

I feel bad for these children. Having kids is messy and noisy. Your impeccably decorated minimalist home is going to get messed up. Deal with it, instead of denying your kids a childhood. Kids with musical aptitude need to blow horns and bang drums. Kids with artistic aptitude need to mold play-doh and create art with

Yes, it is one of life’s mysteries.

The article mentions “analog cameras” twice (which presumably are film cameras?), but also mentions DLSRs and mirrorless cameras and “big cameras” (which could be anything). Author needs to get the terminology straight. I suspect it’s like when your grandma used to call your video game cartridges “tapes” because they

>Lastly can you name a single civilized nation that has no, or a very defunded/weak police force?

The stuff they are adding (bloatware, advertisements on the menu, customer tracking) are reducing the cost, not adding to it. Netflix/Amazon/Disney etc are paying the TV manufacturers for pre-installing their apps and giving them custom buttons on the remote.

As long as the two overlapping flights are on different airlines, you aren’t breaking anyone’s rules and can’t get caught.