
Coastal Elites. God I hate whoever came with that dumb term. It’s a snarl-word that means “those people over there, you know, the source of evil”. Yet never seems to apply to coasts down south.

Joke’s on you, because who do you think MAKES these shows?

Guilty. Young Sheldon is the only show I’m aware of, and only because a friend is a big BBT fan and watches it. Otherwise, I’m not interested in any of these shows.

don’t confuse you having your head up your own ass with the rest of america, including the coasts

Ssssssshhhhh, keep it under your hat, let the dumbing down of the population continue, perhaps in time they will take all of themselves down. Idiocracy is real.

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

The point of a necktie is to cover the shirt buttons. Notice that people who know how to dress don't wear bowties with Oxford shirts because they don't want to look like Tucker Carlson.

Let’s start with the passwords themselves, which should be two things: strong and unique.

XKCD has a famous webcomic about this topic: “correcthorsebatterystaple” is a strong password that isn’t too hard to memorize. A human certainly wouldn’t guess a password like this one, and a computer would take far too long running through dictionary words before it could crack it.

“Error, persisted in long enough, must be accepted in the language. But there is no need to hurry.” - Charles Rembar, The Law of the Land