
Be careful when paying cash or getting outside financing. Car dealers make more money on financing than they do on the car sale itself and will try to jack up the price or add extra fees if you don’t finance through them.

Another option: support the expansion of banking services offered by the US Postal Service.

The “fair maiden” line went completely over my head when I watched that episode as a kid. Fun to find more depth when reviewing classic episodes that you think you know everything about.

>>Guns/bibles/mail order brides and all things adjacent.

Toyota is not exactly a rare and unique brand; the Camry is the best selling car in America (they even drive them in NASCAR). If you are considering moving somewhere with no Toyota dealership, there probably aren’t any car dealerships at all (or hospitals, or grocery stores, etc).

In my area, Twin Homes are referred to as Semi-Detached Homes.

Worth noting this is only for Americans (even though Google abused data of users around the world).

When people are on suicide watch, the guards are supposed to, you know, watch them to make sure they don’t kill themselves. No one may have technically murdered him, but they certainly didn’t stop him from doing it himself, which was their job. Whether they did that because they’re incompetent, because he’s a

As is typical of these types of sites, there are not actually $13 3D printers. There are $13 rolls of printer filament listed on the same page as $100 3D printers (which you don’t find out until you actually poke around the page).

>>No, the corner store that sells chips and cigarettes does not actually expect a tip, they’re clearly just saving money by paying for a prepackaged POS system.

If you are going to tip, do so in cash if possible. The credit card companies didn’t do anything to earn a cut the tip.

It IS Apple’s responsibility. They made their name as the easy-to-use computer for non-techy people. They could easily provide a simple end-of-life function that wipes the hard drive of personal information AND disables the security features.  But they don’t because it’s not in their financial interest for a used

Not everyone buying individual stocks is a day trader trying to beat the market. Some just want to support companies and industries that they believe in (and avoid ones they don’t).

>>The average landline bill is around $42 a month

When I read the a USB cable was involved, I imagined some complicated hack of the on-board computer system, but it just happens to be the right size to turn the ignition. Back in the day, they used a screwdriver for that task (usually the same one used to pry open the steering column).

If we are going to count diseases spread by mosquitoes then we should also count diseases spread by humans which would surely move us up to the number one spot.

I’ve been driving the same Toyota for 15 years, most of them payment free. My parents were the same way; either buy a decent new car and drive it until it drops, or buy a usedbeater” and pay cash (especially if you have some repair skills). New cars lose 20% of their value the minute you drive off the lot. If you

I hadn’t heard of The Moonrunners, I’ll have to check it out. At least in the movie the cousins look more like actual moonshiners rather than Hollywood pretty boys like in the TV show.

You forgot the easiest method; throw away your iPhone and get an Android.

Charcuterie? In PA, we call this a deli tray.