
Hi! Welcome to baseball season! Nice of you to join us!

Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....

Hear, hear! However, let’s take this one step further. I would go so far to say that WOMEN are a myth. I mean, I’m not a woman. Therefore, are there women? I find this so called “women exist” narrative just doesn’t hold water.

The gif that keeps on giving.

Milo, unless the entirety of your post depends on getting a reference that I missed

You expect me to read that much but you won’t even read five sentences. The fuck is wrong with you.

Wow, look at that incompetent figurehead strutting around like he’s doing something of value. Like he’s actually respected by anyone. How do you not have the self-awareness to realize that you suck at your job so much? That you should just quit while you’re behind? Seriously, just show some fucking dignity at this

Suddenly something seemed to snap in the Bighorns center. He picked up the ball

They keep saying he'll go number 1, but if you ask me, he looks a lot closer to type 2.

"What must Jameis prove?"

Honestly, if you (1) went to Syracuse, (2) played lacrosse, (3) looked like a douchy frat asshole, and (4) were named "Hayes McGinley," how could you not totally expect to get the Jesus Fucking Christ beat out of you at least once in your life by a guy named Big Jim Whitcomb.

As a Browns fan I offer you zero sympathy and hope your team burns in the most fiery way possible.

Wow. Wow.

Who the fuck is surprised that a woman named Eileen would only fill out the first leg?

I find this all hard to believe.

"Thanks to the support of my tremendous family and friends, I have decided I will not be attending the draft this year."

In Watts' defense, the cell signal there is very poor. One, maybe two bars on a good day.

Damn this doesn't even have a rain shower head. I'd say its minimalistic