
No. His hand was higher than the rim on release, but the ball still arced to the hoop.

In a year of truly important sports investigations done by Deadspin, this is the apex.

The countdown to the letter to the editor about how Luke Kuechly wouldn’t do this has officially begun.

This is beyond horrifying.

The best part about this is he’s not even playing Bernie Sanders. He’s just playing Larry David. And it all works!

To be fair..he bat flipped the right way.

I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.

Have you ever seen Snowden and Scissorhands in the same place tho.

Buffalo Wild Wings’ hot sauce can’t melt steel beams

Matt Damon, keep this kind of behavior up, and I will refuse to gay marry you when you finally meet me one day.

My BFF at a small company where it was realized one of the women was in a domestic violence situation when her BF became unstable and would wait outside for her at work, etc.

Wait, I thought she was gonna make three points? Why did she stop at two?


Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

Geez, I hope you’re still allowed to discuss burgers Joey.

5 Guys makes a good cheeseburger.

The weird thing is, if the Yankees had shown just a little professionalism themselves, they probably wouldn’t have lost 15-1.

Right, because the internet hates Deadpool. I’m sure you’re going to catch a ton of flak for your brave stance. /s