
You're talking to the stupidest active account on Gizmodo. 

Hahaha seriously..the show has blatantly been against rampant nationalism, xenophobia and authoritarian strong man monsters, that’s kind of the whole point. Homelander murdering a man in the street and noone caring was just straight up a callback to Trump’s famous line to his cult.

Well people didn’t realise that Star Trek had a liberal slant...

It is very close to Lucas Star Wars and anyone who says different hasn’t been paying attention while watching Star Wars. I read the books, I read the comics, I’ve read the EU, I have watched all the animated shows, this is very much Star Wars. I have been obsessed with Star Wars since 1986. This show is very much Star

Conservatives are culturally illiterate. To the point where it’s undeniable they have some kind of profound brain damage. They’re upset Star Trek is “becoming” woke now, presumably because it never was before. Same w/ Doctor Who. They think Wall Street was aspirational. Robocop and Starship Troopers are just fun

I think Russel T Davies recently said that he was going to be punishingly obvious in “Doctor Who” because too many people were incapable of understanding subtle messaging.

These are the same people that think cops sporting Punisher logos is totally cool.

Yeah, it was as subtle as a brick to the face. And it needed to be, because the people it is talking to, the idiot anti-wokers, are thicker than shite in the neck of a bottle. 

Well look at who it is thats getting upset. Not exactly the swiftest bunch.

Trolling is the most predictable of all human activities.

My reading of Yord is that he is the walking definition of impostor syndrome. It doesn’t take much for him to draw his lightsaber compared to a lot of the other Jedi we’ve seen who seem to save it as a last resort. Deep down he’s obviously scared and it will be interesting to see how the series progresses if he can

The Jedi are not a monolith

Right now I’m thinking he’s secretly The Master, keeping a close eye on his apprentice without her knowing.

He is pretty explicitly another apprentice of Mae’s Dark Side master, no?

Star Wars is not Star Trek, and that’s just fine. There’s lots of problematic stuff in Lucas’ original vision, and it doesn’t always make sense. If anything, when they try to explain things, it just makes things worse.  Yes, midichlorians and parsecs, I’m looking at you two.  Star Wars has never been about big ideas,


I notice that our “conservatives” that complain that someone else isn’t discussing things “in good faith” come right in and start with the homophobic and misogynist trolling.

DO NOT comment or ungrey “juan” or “Slider6294" they’re plain trolls who don’t care about actual anaylsis, 

Headland is sidestepping the “whodunit” mystery structure in favor of the “howcatchem” format exemplified by Columbo and Pokerface. I’m onboard with that.

I feel like the facehuggers are going to be more of a focus on this one - expect them to be stalking the cast for a while before the last 30 mins or so is chestbuster/xeno time.