
I have never seen a Donald Glover anything that was not good.

Just a reminder that DiGiorno is a Nestlé product, and Nestlé is evil.

The thing is, Rowling was perfectly likable before she randomly decided to make “trans people want to rape me in the bathroom” her entire personality.

Darth Jianyu, or Darth Li.

The lightsaber duel between the padawan, Jecki Lon, and Qimir was 2nd to none! We’re finally getting back to a level of choreography not seen since the prequels.

And the introduction of the newly canonized Cortosis, a material that can short out lightsabers, had me geeking out. It’s great to see them pull material from


I am so glad they didn’t draw out this reveal until the end of the series. It was becoming pretty clear and the show didn’t insult our intelligence by dragging it out artificially. It was effective and satisfying, and Manny Jacinto was awesome.

The action was among the best star wars has shown to date.

For the most part, and their bigger swings seem to work a lot better than most shows. But they still go back to old formulas and it gets a bit repetitive. At least their worst episodes are just still entertaining but predictable filler until the next new thing. It is a lot better than the wild attempt at “mixing

You must be fun at parties.

Dracula shall suffer remakes until Willem Dafoe has played all the major roles” —Renfield Stoker

Or like the ones who get upset when they find out that The X-Men is basically a subversive anti-bigotry and anti-homophobia narrative or that alien species in traditional sci-fi fare like Star Trek are actually an allegory for racial diversity and multi-ethnicity.

I hear there are some evil oil barons eyeing the property.

Couldn’t agree more. Not that this show will need it, but I wonder if Barry Keoghan’s Joker will make a cameo.

Guess that realization might be hittin’ like...

Paul Ryan would like a word

Or people who are mad that modern Star Trek has diverse characters lmao

I mean Stormfront was literally a Nazi. Not exactly subtle.

Wait, what?!

I’m on board for all of that, and the stories and characters are really interesting. But my problem is I cannot handle much gore. So I haven’t watched it in a very long time because it was just so much.