He did pay the price, he was bounced out the service. Are you suggesting he should be unemployable for the rest of his life with a dishonorable discharge?
He did pay the price, he was bounced out the service. Are you suggesting he should be unemployable for the rest of his life with a dishonorable discharge?
I probably passed it along in my youthful ignorance: Someone, can’t remember who, told me about the drag car they saw that ran a engine for each tire. I was pretty young so had no idea that probably wasn’t a thing.
I just made up a definition on the spot and said that power shifting was simply holding the gas pedal to the floor instead of letting up on it while I rowed through each gear.
This one is more of a lie-of-omission type of thing:
My kids are entirely unaware that automatic transmissions have been invented. I’m going to let them live in this blissful ignorance as long as I can. Hopefully well past when they start driving.
This one is more of a lie-of-omission type of thing:
My kids are entirely unaware that automatic transmissions have been invented. I’m going to let them live in this blissful ignorance as long as I can. Hopefully well past when they start driving.
By the looks of it, there’s one in Regina but they forgot Moose Jaw and Saskatoon!
Damn, if it’s 40 below, the F doesn’t matter.
The Car and Driver RX-2!! My heart goes pitter-patter.
Possession is actually “nine points of the law”.
When’s the last time you met a rich white fella who snorted coke “once”?
Nixon wasn’t impeached. He quit before that could happen.
Aren’t lamp posts built to break at the base and not guillotine the car?
Lug bolts are the Devil’s work. No question.
You are obviously being mistreated by your dealer. A lot of shitty people have ‘issues’ with trans folk and this may be why. Time to find a another (better) place to get your Smarts serviced, me thinks.
Please tase him till he shits his pants; then tase him a bit more.
I like to use nautical terminology. Hey buddy, your portside aft signal is out.
Not at all. Slot car racing is pretty cool.
I can’t understand how Toyota, Honda and Hyundai can still make money selling sedans and hatchbacks produced mostly in the US, while Ford and GM (allegedly) can’t make money selling sedans and hatchbacks made mostly in Mexico or Korea. That is what Ford GM execs need to fix.
“Condolences to all impacted.”
Alfa Romeos breaking down is a law of the universe.