
I’m not so sure there’s anyone on staff here anymore.

The lede photo showing the security staff with their crowd-control pikes is pretty damning. I can’t imagine living in a society where that is normal.

Jetzon Avenger G/T rear tires? Sweet! Count me in. Nice price!


“... have adorned the front of GM’s middle-luxury-kinda-ish brand since the 1980s.”

Man date freedom? I didn’t know those truckers were all gay.

“The owners of these cars are aware of their cars being parked on the street.”

When my family moved to Montreal in the 1960s, my parents needed to obtain Quebec drivers licences. So they went to the DMV, or whatever it was called. Unbeknownst to them, to be called to the service window at the DMV while waiting your turn, you had to have a $10 bill peeking out from the top of your paperwork. You

“Passing your driving test is a right of passage for any car fan.”

I had hoped that the Denver Police would head off this kind of crime.

Thanks Lawrence, I appreciate the dealer being named and shamed. Too many times we read articles that won’t divulge a grifter’s name. Why warn people if you’re not going to say from whom?

Where can I get some of that stuff you’re smoking?

Well... not much European racing happened in the 1940s. Something about a war... and Germany losing.

You’re right; they did bury the lede. No doubt the reason for selling.

$50 Large just to store stuff in milk crates? ... and the rest of the inside of the trailer just looks home made... and the outside is a design mess.

“Rule #1: Always the vehicles far sooner.”


For god’s sake, don’t buy anything Samsung, especially fridges. They’ve been riding on their previously-earned laurels for years now.

Godspeed, gentlemen.

David’s rusty Jeep repair sagas, which were once entertaining, have become tiresome. All the details run together to make each new story sound like the last one. Time for some fresh story subjects. Man does not live by Jeepness alone.