
“We also understand that Mr. Dyne has physically assaulted Mr. Weir, by poking a finger in Weir’s chest while yelling at him...”

Fuck you any your coffee drive your god damn car.

Does it even matter if you even have an education? No! Because you’re sitting at a desk, no engineering degree required, and no range of movement needed. Guess what? I’m also an engineer! So fuck off back to your keyboard, before I’m forced to break out my tools, and fucking weld your dumbass to your chair.

For some reason, those dirty Canadians are very soothing.

Jolly nice motor, guv.

Une etoile pour vous, m’sieur.

If Elon Musk is an idiot, how would you describe the current US president?


BANG! goes the owner’s new car warranty. What a tool this guy is!

“ The quasi-premium truck and SUV sub-brand of Chevrolet ...”

But he did invent the phrase ‘priming the pump’.

Careful in states/provinces that start and end with the letter ‘O’.

Don’t forget Tax, Title, and Towing.

I suspect the reason they don’t do factory delivery is the ford GT is built in a nondescript industrial building nowhere near a Ford Factory which isn’t something they are keen to highlight.

Ignore him, he’s a garbage person. Unless he’s a garbage man, then thanks for all the work you do, you are an unsung hero.

... The last arrest he basically said “Fuck you, this won’t stop me.”

“Looking for officer D’over. Officer Ben D’over please report in.”

This is why I’m against a gas tax, because I know that it will be pocketed instead of used.

Holy mackerel, these comments are giving me a haddock.