That’s pretty expensive for a carb rebuild. Union shop? ;)
That’s pretty expensive for a carb rebuild. Union shop? ;)
Ad Block is a thing nowadays. ;)
Also has a YouTube channel. 8D
Not at my age. 8(
NASCAR management are so stupid they think fresh pig shit makes for fine barbecue.
Yeah, but a Nobel Prize in Literature for Mr. Zimmerman, not for his voice.
They’re certifying that it’s pre-owned? lol
The top edge of the interior door panels of a certain ‘63 Pontiac Laurentian station wagon. That’s my final answer.
You are mistaken. A PT Cruiser GT w/high output turbo comes with super-comfy seats (way better than in lower trims) and makes an excellent long-distance “cruiser”. Tons of luggage space too. Around town, the car is a hoot to drive. Thirteen years old and it’s still fresh as a daisy. YMMV.
Most excellent user name! I fall into the same category. 8D
Kinja removed a star when I recommended your post, instead of adding one. Sorry about that, Chief.
An apostrophe is incorrect, as it makes the name possessive. Why not Model Ss, Xs, and 3s for pluralization?
I starred you but Kinja subtracted a star instead. Sorry about that.
The fact that people are buying new cars doesn’t mean they can actually afford them.
There are a couple of cars I’d like to have back: dark red ‘66 Barracuda Formula S, and a black ‘79 El Camino SS. They were both fabulous cars to drive.
Wooden yew like to know.
So why isn’t there an audio track? I got nothin’ sound-wise.
The “cloth” seats in my ‘11 Ranger stain the same way. Even a raindrop will leave a tiny ring on the fabric. Why? It’s not real cloth; the seats are covered in a fabric derived from recycled plastic pop bottles. Hard wearing but they look like crap after a while.