
To paraphrase Bette Davis:

I mean she went to another school and has graduated. But still. She's a fucking moron.

Wow. So she wasn’t even arguing for a meritocratic process in the first place. In addition to assigning herself the public roll of entitled dim-wit and poster child for white mediocrity and fragility, she also illustrates the acute dangers of parents blowing smoke up their snowflakes’ buttholes.

She was a legacy. She fully expected to go to UT because her daddy did.

You had me at “The Onion.”

Looking forward to their next story, “Mussolini: How He Made the Trains Run on Time.”

I see where those guys from SB Nation went.

Maybe they’re working out the kinks of their hot-takery to be ready to roll when NFL training camps open and they can devote 32 minutes to the latest on RG3 from Browns camp. I’d rather watch NRA truther videos.

Here’s a take: what kind of moron picks mid-June as the launch date for an hourlong “hot sprots taeks” television show? That’s like releasing a new video game console on February 1st.

That’s what I’ve been thinking about since the premiere. What the hell are they going to talk about to fill an hour of air-time in a week? Copa America? June baseball? Football OTAs? It’s going to be even worse.

Just wondering why idiots like you always seem to have an excuse for people being racist pigs. Maybe she said that shit because shes a racist pig.

If you actually watched the video before posting that brain dropping, you are the dumbest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.

Why the fuck would we lighten up? This is EXACTLY what’s wrong with this country, that we’re expected to take blatant racism/anti-semitism on the chin and not say something about it. Fuck that. If this woman loses her job, it’s been more than earned by these comments. Fuck Barstool for promoting this kind of

“Casual racism happens every day. Lighten up.”

So you’re just a stupid piece of shit then?

I’m not racist. I just say racist things because that is what my audience likes to hear. Don’t hate the playa...

“But my friend is Jewish!”

Bull Connor, playing to his audience

I actually was laughing out loud and had to leave my desk out of propriety.

The additional nightmare there - besides the giggling after each punchline - was watching Al Michaels get Miller in his clutches and indoctrinate him into the ways of the neo-conservative asshat.