
I applaud you, while also deeply regretting the fact that I have now thought about something, anything, being blown up her butthole. Ugh.

By “you people” I think it’s pretty clear that I mean the chorus of “lighten up” that comes from the inevitable “It’s your fault if you can’t take a joke” crowd after some shitty person says a shitty racist thing. By “you people” I mean you, the person who continues to think your logic is valid when it’s anything but.

102 stars. 102, when even this shit-for-brains model with a microphone could not believe the appalling thing that had just come from her own mouth. You people never cease to amaze.

That was a lot of words to suggest you don’t have a sense of humor, which isn’t to say you should think it's funny and wrong if you don't, but that you definitely should see that it's supposed to be and are very wrong if you don't.

Please explain to me why the fuck you're here then? I just don't get that.

How am I not seeing it??

I'm seeing, much to my shocked incredulity, that people do not see how fucking brilliant this is.

This is fucking amazing. Jesus.

BIG Dongle, not CHOAD Dongle.

Um, I can’t be the only one who thinks his delivery is strangely mechanical, with those weird, quizzical pauses, as though he’s being though someone’s obviously in his ear, feeding him lines? Is my tin-foil hat showing? I find this thing fishy as hell.

wut. 27 stars too many.

No the nightmare was Dennis Miller.

Aaaaand more butt stuff.

Lots of butt stuff going on here.

I love you. I'll be the Lenay Kekua to your Manti Teo if you want.

Behold! We have reached peak Billy, finally! With his trademark tortuous, pretzel-logic, Billy has miraculously discovered a way to turn a blurb about Neymar playing baseball into an MLS jab! Rabbits out of hats, this guy. The Amazing (-ly dumb) Billy!

Yes, religion is pure poison, and most virulently in its evangelical, Christofacist form. While bad for absolutely everyone, it is viciously regressive for women. Case in point.

Young man's a lose cannon.

H is the eighth letter in the alphabet, probably. 88=HH.

As always, the “well actually” baseball HOF crowd is excruciatingly insufferable. Here’s a fact to put in your pretentious pipe and smoke: 3,000 hits in 15 seasons has never. been. done.

ETA: Not sure about Pete Rose and Ty Cobb.