
Easily the best and most exhilarating watch in the BPL, hands down.


I’ll have to disagree with you on one key point...that is definitely not a bad picture.

So basically it's a toilet.

This is fucking nauseating.

Pretty sure that list was sincere. I wouldn't give it an easy out by simply dismissing it as trolling.

Christ could she get any more annoying? Frank's or sriracha or nothing.

Eh. "I'm really hoping someone asks me about X!" isn't really "planting" a question, or else it's the most Canadian way ever of manipulating the press.

“Senator Ted Cruz, GOP Presidential nominee, found dead after autoerotic asphyxiation mishap”
-NYT front page, day after GOP convention

oh my god why

Oh a white, anti-intellectual christofascist nailed to his faux-cross of imaginary martyrdom. How fucking novel.

Do not, I beseech you, DO NOT, go to youtube and type in "marble race."

Quite a stretch.

Very versatile. Very practical. Need some twine for hay bails? Need to swab the deck clean? Splash on some pine-sol and your kitchen floor will have that spit-shine sheen you've been longing for.

Did he thank the troops for their sacrifices, allowing him to play the game he loves? If not, high heat incoming next time around.

Bomani can be grating as hell, but I must have that shirt.

You forgot the most important part: Similar renderings of MLS goals would surely pale in comparison.

You have a staggeringly loose interpretation of the word "fact."

Fucking 96 of them. It's...I just can't with this.

What. The fuck. Are you talking about. I don’t even know where to start with this.
2) Great relationships on both sides of the aisle.
Being chummy with shitlords? Neat. In a sound reality where up is not down, down not up, this would be a major boon to Bernie, not pandering “pragmatically” to those with diametrically