I thought money had to be exchanged for that? Eh.
I thought money had to be exchanged for that? Eh.
Right but I don't get how that's a crime without an end transaction. Is it a crime to offer to buy something illegal? If I express intent to buy drugs, but never actually do, that classifies as a crime? Asking because I don't know.
Daleiden also faces a misdemeanor count related to the “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs.”
Wait I thought this claim was totally fabricated?
Day one and already the baseball butthurt floweth forth. Christ. Buckle up, baseball fans. Gonna be a lot of pouty white sluggers policing the emotions in a game played by large adult men, playing the game the right way.
That doesn't gross me out, just bums me out. Sorry. I wish that didn't exist.
Also you don't do meth...presumably.
I would make my kids wear around soiled tablecloths before I ever set foot in a Laundromat.
If it gets us Burneko more than like once a month or whatever, it should become a recurring thing.
Where does one procure?
As any smart person does. Not only is it sound oral hygiene, but nobody needs that residual minty film tainting the day's first cuppa joe.
I did not know Barry Petchesky is my grandpa.
The CSF exploiting "amateurs" since forever.
I think, by definition, it’s a sport. Is it a feat of athleticism? No, probably not. Does that matter? No. Fun recreational activities don’t have to be defined by whether or not they’re a Sport, even if they’re competitive. I’d stack some cups. Looks kinda fun...in fact let’s up the ante with some glass cup stacking…
Those doughy little sausage fingers bout to stack the shit outta some cups!
Worth mentioning here that this new hot trend is responsible for producing additional human beings. It’s dangerous and should be avoided.
God this is great.
Creepy and tacky and just bad if you ask me.
I know! I really enjoy when they forcefully punch the leather sphere through the fancy cylinder with the nylon drapery. Spectacularly elegant!
Fucking Christ calm down, sparky. Take a second to enjoy this. It's fun. Or go for a long stroll in the park or something.
Yaaaa, it's called vernacular English, and also it's fucking twitter. Christ. I'm sure all of your tweets are grammatically flawless. I'm also sure you're being a little racist.