Kinja fail. But if you google “Bench press form arch”, you’ll see some pretty extreme photo examples of benchers who are effectively risking their lumbar health.
Kinja fail. But if you google “Bench press form arch”, you’ll see some pretty extreme photo examples of benchers who are effectively risking their lumbar health.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this. Lats are more engaged on an incline bench press, where the back is flat in that exercise. Benching flat more closely mimics an incline press than benching with an arch would. I am mostly basing this on how the flat benching exercise feels to me - so this may be a subjective…
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this. Lats are more engaged on an incline bench press, where the back is flat in that exercise. Benching flat more closely mimics an incline press than benching with an arch would. I am mostly basing this on how the flat benching exercise feels to me - so this may be a subjective…
Fair points, but so far as I know, I have not injured my rotator cuff as a result of benching - and I would imagine that when the rotator is injured during the bench press, it’s the result of too much of an explosive motion, or letting the weight come down too fast. I would argue that if you are slowly benching the…
I strongly disagree. Arching your back in my opinion increases risk of lumbar injury. I speak from experience: in my mid-20s, when I was bench pressing heavy weights (225+ lbs.), I threw out my lower back while arching it during the bench press.
I think such an injury can be avoided if you buy a weight belt, and are…
Thanks, it was interesting to read your perspective. I agree for the most part. Not sure what I think about your lankiness/leverage theory - but it’s interesting to read, especially if you believe it to be true through your own experience.
I agree with your original post and I always thought that the wrestler who would do best is the the guy with the lowest body fat percentage/greatest muscle mass percentage. Thus eating to keep up one’s energy and build muscle, all while being under 10% body fat.
I agree with original poster. While I don’t doubt you performed best using cutting weight approaches, I think that’s more of a quick fix/quick win scheme. The guy who would do best is the the guy with the lowest body fat percentage/greatest muscle mass percentage. Thus eating to keep up one’s energy and build muscle,…
Your timeline is confused. Starr wouldnt have had the chance to rely on Juanita Broaddrick during his investigation. She refused to speak with media or anyone about her alleged rape at the time.
Allen may be a creep, but Farrow seems unstable, abusive and manipulative towatd her kids, thus it’s entirely possible that she coached Dylan.
This post on Moss is an interesting read, and I concur with what you wrote. It’s not that I unequivocally do not believe Dylan’s accusations; I just don’t have any way of knowing for sure given their dysfunctional family dynamic:
I agree with your overall point, but most of the commenters here (and possibly you as well) will likely disagree with what I’m about to say next.
Regarding walking, your opinion is fine, except it becomes a problem when, in NY City, people (both women & men) decide to take this attitude on a crowded sidewalkw while walking down the left side. All other things being roughly equal (e.g., you don’t have kids with you, or are medically infirm) someone has to move…
I disagree with your rationale. My wife had asked me if the reason why I had preferred Sanders to Clinton was because I didn’t want a woman as President, and my immediate response was, sex of a candidate is a nonissue for me, and if Warren had been running, I’d vote for her in a heartbeat.
Well said. My ex girlfriend, who is an intelligent (but very critical) lawyer and movie buff, panned Titanic as a ridiculous waste of time. Your comment is the perfect rebuttal.
Slowing down may be the correct course of action in most situations, but not every situation within the realm of possibility. Jalopnik has one potential scenario where increasing speed might be the best course of action:
I can’t speak for U.K. razors, but I would say you are absolutely correct that there are differences between men’s and women’s razors in the U.S. The women’s razors are inferior to men’s in most every way possible- sharpness, accuracy, etc. I know because I had to use my wife’s razor on vacation because I forgot my…
Ha, we are about the same age, and I don’t recall much about this case for pretty much the same reason. Partying at college. That, and I had no TV in my dorm room. Even if I did have one, I can’t imagine watching Dateline (or whatever show covered the Ramsey case) on a Friday night when there was drinking to be done .
My opinion is the opposite. Driver was a good pick for Kylo, and he brought the right level of humanity and unhinged anger to the part. But the Rey duel was so preposterous and unconvincing to me that the entire movie suffered from it overall. No amount of natural ability with the Force would enable her to defeat…