Col Flanders

Most likely Jennifer Aniston’s character.

My favorite Stone Cold promo is the one where he pulled a mixer into the parking garage and filled Vince’s car with wet cement.

Triple H married Stephanie McMahon by drugging her, driving her through a chapel in Las Vegas, and using bad ventriloquism to make it seem like she said yes.  Now they’ve been happily married for 15 years with 3 kids.  Can’t fake that.  

Now playing

Stone Cold stealing a Zamboni and driving it into the arena while chugging beers is the greatest thing to ever happen on TV.

Maybe if he had chucked a microwave at someone in the scene...

I’m staying for two weeks.....two weeks....TWO WEEKS

Not with that attitude you can’t.

Aw that's nice.

Well, if your penis is as small as his is...

Says you.  If you’re intrigued, you should subscribe to my newsletter.

“Whew!” ~ Aunt Becky


He’s in big trouble, Mister.

How rude

Franklin had his assistant request that all the writers come to his mansion and they were reminded multiple times to bring their bikinis.[ed] preference for male writers

You got it (right), dude.

Despite having been asked repeatedly to Cut it Out, he refused, and so the judge is not expected to Have Mercy on him.

I’m sorry, I’ll see myself out.

See? This is why I don’t watch Fuller House.

Moon Frye...