Yeah I would, and I do do that. Same as my friends. Calling your friends whore, queer, bitch, fag, cunt, ext can be just fine in your group of friends. She has not connected that you can't do that everywhere.
Yeah I would, and I do do that. Same as my friends. Calling your friends whore, queer, bitch, fag, cunt, ext can be just fine in your group of friends. She has not connected that you can't do that everywhere.
She is. And she hangs out with gay people and they use words like this and that is why she thinks it's ok. Because in her group of friends it is, but they are not following her with a camera then posting it for the world to see.
A rape joke (which is what I assume you meant by "a male celebrity makes an offensive joke") is more often than not made with clear, malicious intent to cause controversy.
I don't think she did it because it was funny. I think she did it because she thought the clothes, accessories, and music of the culture was beautiful.
Jezebel literally devoted an entire article to the subject called "Why Selena Gomez's Bindi Is Not Okay" and it was mentioned again in this article. How much more attention do you want them to give it?
Yeah, and the bindi thing is also a wash up. If she was wearing the traditional red marriage bindi, that'd be In very poor taste. She wore the paste-on decorative bindis Indian teenagers wear when going to a party, which is considered purely decorative. And besides, it's meant to enhance the Agna chakra, so who knows,…
I was just going to say the same. I'm sure that would be fine, especially in southern CA. Most parties here have a Mexican theme!
She would probably enjoy it. "Oh, I'm authentic Mexican , this party is awesome!"
Didn't many Indian people also come out an defend Selena's use of the bindi, including Priyanka Chopra, and Indian writers, and even Indian commenters here? I specifically recall the main 'controversy' being propelled by one person, Rajan Zed, who is a very controversial person himself, and then white bloggers…
I think there are more important things to get upset over than a 21 year-old celebrity throwing a party with a very unclear, muddled, cultural mumbo jumbo theme. Honestly.
I wouldn't throw a gypsie themed party myself, but this seems like one of those "choose your battles" scenarios. Am I supposed to be angry with Selena Gomez? With The Disney Channel? Should I judge her? Should I judge her actions? Why should I even care what Selena Gomez chose as a theme for her party?
And she already knows the location and capital of every state.
Yeah, well, I can buy beer and eat cookies whenever I want.
And I can't wait to see all the Europeans coming on to tell Americans how this is somehow different from (and superior to) our racism. Because it's totally a dick-measuring contest to compare how not-racist both of these often racist places are.
It's clear to me that Weiner has a psychological compulsion to expose himself to strangers. He could not control himself from engaging in the very activities that cost him his Congressional seat and nearly his marriage. And yet he continues. This man needs serious help, and giving him the keys to NYC is not it.*
Just like rats to leave a sinking penis.
Some people are definitely better than others.
Ironically, he's will to throw out his 'life work' the minute he gets a little butt-hurt.