Why is she in that video?!
Why is she in that video?!
This has to be a joke. Right? RIGHT?
She's pretty. I miss out on so much because I don't have cable.
All of these people are going to have a hard time finding jobs. They're terrible, and so loose lipped! Their parents must have really nice houses for them to move into, because normal people are too scared of losing everything to blab to the media about everything.
Yeah, I've heard of this before. Actually, it was on Jezebel, and that article was a lot less unnecessarily judgmental.
Yep, I have this, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
You must have watched the edited-for-TV video. There is a nudie video, too, and it was released alongside the censored version.
I am under the impression that it is, indeed, a regional thing. I've known tons of people—a bunch in the trans community—who use it as a descriptive, non-normative term. But then again, I haven't used the word "slut" in a derogatory way in over a decade, yet I use the word all the time. I'm not into giving words magic…
There were lots of non-black rappers to choose from, too! It was very easy to refute your point. I see you're having a meltdown now. I'm sorry.
Oh okay, well since you can name some white people who appropriate black culture, I guess my point is moot.
Yes fuck the women who are able to access my culture without criticism while I am told that I'm not assimilating enough into Western society.
I found that video of hers where she pretends to twerk with people she pretends are her friends (?) way more offensive. Using black people as props in your white-girl music video is way worse than using a word of which she likely doesn't understand the context or implication.
There are millions of women all over the world, Hindu women, non-Hindu Indian women, other non-Hindu brown women (like you describe yourself), Indian women living in India, Indian women living in Palo Alto, who believe that the bindi is a fashion accessory. There is clearly some room for disagreement here. Religious…
If you didn't see any defending her, you weren't reading the comments. Tons of people came out and said the bindi is a fashion accessory, too, and it's not a big deal.
Oh man, these two are so cute together!!
But this pandering matters. Everything he says matters to millions of people. Even if it isn't genuine, it's hugely important to his followers, so it's important to everyone else.
I have to agree with you. The behavior us so incredibly self-destructive in his case that it must be some kind of compulsion.
You don't love it. If you did, you wouldn't desperately need to believe other people are like you.