"Revenge! You crossed me one too many times."
"Revenge! You crossed me one too many times."
What "both sides" here? That implies each side has committed roughly equivalent acts.
I'd agree that Asperger Syndrome is not a mental illness. However, reading this man's statements, I also don't feel that he fits the stereotype of an angry or abusive stalker with no mental illness who enjoys terrorizing his victim.
I met a woman who had a serious, determined, threatening stalker. She worked at a state prison for the criminally insane and said she felt safer inside at work than outside with her stalker.
Oh, his mom was the first person I wondered about when I was reading this post. Christ alive...
Seriously. Mom sounds cuckoo-pants.
Reading through this gave me a major case of the anxieties.
Dude is a stalker. I may have misread the article, but if you violate a restraining order, you get jail time.
“He fell in love and didn’t seem to be able to get over it,” his mother said. “The girl of his dreams became a nightmare.”
Obligatory. Watch this instead. Jen Kwok's hilarious "Date An Asian."
If you're the kind of person who misses the days of Incubus and Linkin Park
That's every year.
Like it was, like, terrible and I had to like - she would like, she would just not show up for work
How is this rare? I have the same thing. Straight female, not trans or gay or the least bit genderqueer (or whatever the proper term is).
After you realize that there is Necrophilia and Coprophilia... Eproctophilia sounds like something that shouldn't make you raise an eyebrow.
I enjoy autoandrophilia, which is apparently so rare or under-reported that some psychologists think the term only exists out of political correctness. Basically all it means is that I like to picture myself as a male in sexual fantasies. I get more aroused by idea of thrusting into something than by the images of…
Ah, the age-old question: