
And released on Valentines Day! How many people are going to get dragged to this on *Valentines Day*?

My partner never saw HIMYM and I only saw about 60% of it, so occasionally we talk about watching it. But then I think about how crappy Ted is as a main character (plus the ending) and we always come up with something else to watch instead. I suspect this will continue forever.

IDK if its true, but I recall reading somewhere that NBC mandated the show to feature Helms in order to cash in on his movie star success. The writers then decided they would make him a dick to fuck with NBC making mandates on their hit show. Maybe that’s the truth, maybe not, maybe it is something in the middle.

I *almost* feel bad for the people involved in this movie. AFAIK, no one really cared about a Madame Web movie. I read comics into the 90s and I don’t even know who she is. The principal cast seems pretty unenthusiastic with it; I did not even know Adam Scott was in it until now and it seems like they would want to

I agree with your assessment of Roy. I don’t think the writers trusted the audience to understand that Pam could be in a relationship with an okay person (which Roy was at first) but still not be happy with it. Which is weird because the way Jim treats Karen pretty poorly and at the time, was lionized for his enduring

Good points. With respect to point 1, I also thought it was weird how apropos of nothing, he casually mentions that Buffy doesn’t love him at the end of an early S5 episode. Like, it came out of nowhere and it was just a weird spiral. And as to point 2, totally agree with the last sentence. For a show that had no

Thoughts from an internet rando:

HBO’s insistence on putting out more GoT content reminds me of that 30 Rock bit where Jack holds a pie chart of programming priorities for NBC and a large portion is “make it 1997 again through science or magic”. Maybe I am wrong, but the demand for GoT stuff seems pretty low.

As a child growing up in the 80s/90s, if you told me that a politician in 2024 would run with a commercial featuring nothing but her burning books, I would have thought you were crazy or that somehow the US was invaded. But here we are...

I find some humor with the image of her winning (let’s face it, she is an R in missouri, she is going to win) and arguing with the receptionist on the first day because, no, *she* is secretary of state and just won a whole election about it. Then sitting there and wondering if it is Mr. State or Mrs. State before

Re: The Strangers (*spoilers, sort of*)

Interesting, thanks. I could absolutely see this being the case.

“Look, we tried to overthrow the government, but it turns out that our people run the gamut from ‘incompetent’ to ‘cowardly’ and couldn’t do it. How could we possibly be held responsible for that?”

Ah yes, the party of “sTAtEs RiGhTz!!1!1!” wants the federal government to step in and tell what the states can and cannot do all of a sudden. These dipshits have no fucking principles.

The best I can say is I have at least seen ads for Marcos, even though the closest one is like 600 miles away.

This follows her because 1) she is an adult and 2) what she did was clearly wrong and dishonest. She should have known better on all levels.

1. This is all a bit low-stakes high school drama stuff, which I’ll admit makes it interesting while ultimately being pointless, ie great to read during a conference call.

I had a friend who used to say that the Catholic Church’s go-to line was “No, no, no, no, yes like we have always said.”

Ha! that is awesome and I am googling one now

Re: the manual v indictment part of your post, I am convinced that repubs look at 1984 as a how-to book as well. Which is crazy, because I am sure that a good portion of repubs probably (passingly) read it in high school and thought “communism bad”.