
This. it went from a fun thing (oh look, Freddy’s Glove in the Evil Dead wood shed! C-3PO and R2-D2 in the hieroglyphs in Raiders!) to somehow foreshadowing of things to come that people obsessed over for meaning something bigger.

Taryn Manning: *listens to Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, misses satire*

My first thought reading that was thinking TSwift was a member of FOX Hound.

Even being able to reload a page would have been great. I remember being *thrilled* at an image of a blocky werewolf for the then-upcoming Castlevania 64. I like could not wait for that game to come out and all I had was one crappy picture (and that werewolf wasn’t even in the game - it was in the sequel that I have

This sounds gross AF. Moreover, the Doritos rep saying it is “its all about disrupting culture” makes me hate it even more.

I would be curious to see some analysis as to why Graham Norton’s US show did not work out. I see clips of his stuff now and it is a laidback hangout where the guests actually seem to want to be there. None of the forced fun schlock of Corden/Fallon, the exasperated boredom of Colbert or the smarminess of Kimmel. My

Welcome back. Reading these articles and the comments is illuminating and posting is cathartic.

I know this makes me sound like a prude, but the whole premise of this is uncomfortable.

Of these, the only one I would have been remotely interested in trying is the BK Mexican sandwich and even that looks like a dry, fried mess.

Old here. In the times before widespread internet usage, getting EGM or Nintendo Power or whatever magazine and seeing the E3 coverage was legit exciting. I guess E3 joins things such as malls and Blockbuster as “things I enjoyed once upon a time, but understand why they are no longer here”.

This is a good point. A lot of creatives have bleak or uncomfortable outlooks, but Snyder does have a weird view on power dynamics that come off as especially cringey and problematic.

Ghost kitchens always struck me as a scam so none of this surprises me.

Good point.

300 was problematic because of how it treated the invading Persian army. Many of the soldiers of the Middle Eastern nation were literally not human and Xerces considered himself a god who was entitled to enslave the world. Standing up against them were an outnumbered bunch of white guys who had all trained since

I can’t speak for others, but to me Bay comes off as someone who makes blockbuster films where things blow up and people tune out for a few hours and that’s it. He doesn’t aspire to any higher art, none of his fans expect anything more than machines punching each other (and maybe some regressive humor) and everyone

I honestly did not know they had crispy tacos. I would get the same thing every time I went, which is part of the reason why dropping Chipotle was fairly easy. I only went for the one specific dish, so if I felt like Tex-Mex but not that specific dish, I would just go elsewhere.

A few Chipotle thoughts from an internet rando:

I like Adam Driver and generally like SNL, so I thought this was a pretty good episode. The baby sketch in particular hit me in a whole new way now that I have kids of my own. The “Beep Beep” sketch even got some laughs too due to Driver’s intensity, though the “this is a duel to the death!” stuff from the other guys

It’s almost like texas, and this is going to sound crazy, doesn’t give as much of a shit about the women and children.

musk, continuing to prove hes a selfish piece of shit. His fans must be the most pathetic people.