
M&MS the movie was an above average film, but the Pitt/Jolie stuff is what really sold it at the time. But part of what made it an above average film was its sort of commentary on marriage. This couple was lying to each other and were miserable about it. When they opened up about it to each other and started working

“They won’t release my cut!” sound’s a lot like Ayer’s film version of “hold me back!” It is never going to get released so he could claim it causes spontaneous orgasms for all the good it is going to do.

True. They might even have variant Tony Stark who is different somehow. I suppose my point was that if RDJ wants to show up back in the MCU (whether as a favor, for a boatload of money, whatever) the MCU can and will accommodate that. I suppose there is a chance that Marvel could also just recast variant RDJ as Tony

I am not sure what we are supposed to take away from this article. If RDJ needs a paycheck and Marvel wants a boost in viewers down the road, this seems like an easy thing to work out. Now that they have opened the multiverse, “identical Tony Stark but from a virtually identical alternate universe” is absolutely in

With Godzilla getting some buzz lately (especially some kind of America v Japan interpretation of Godzilla) I wanted to throw out something that still confuses me about Godzilla 1954. In that movie (uh, spoilers, I guess) the ending hinges on the protagonists getting a device which sucks all of the oxygen out of the

*Spoilers for the novel*

1. I am a bit glad to hear it was not just me. Big Mac used to be my go-to order at McDs, mostly because I liked the sauce and getting that sauce on other burgers was difficult. But the wilted lettuce , unnecessary extra bread and crummy patties (the last one I had, the patties looked like thin brown rice cakes) made

I am an SNL apologist for the most part, but this episode did not do it for me. Stone seemed disengaged/on autopilot for most of it and none of the humor really landed. Che in particular seemed really off during weekend update. Longfellow’s cigarette bit was kind of funny, even if he seems like a Brooks Whelan in the

“It’s worthless - $10 from a vendor on the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless.” -Corporations talking about nostalgia, probably

I find the success of this store astounding. I can understand bakeries and I could understand cookie stands in malls in the 80s/90s, but a thriving, 950-location-strong cookie business in 2023 is just wild to me. This seems like several years ago when cupcakes were a big thing and now I hardly see any of those places

As someone who went to McDonalds occasionally when I was in the age range for Happy Meals... I have no recollection of these characters.

I saw the movie once and then the Honest Trailer for it and... it’s amazing how many of these bad lines I remember. Like, I have seen plenty of remembers I remember virtually nothing about, but this one was so memorably bad that those lines are easily identifiable.

I can’t believe this is still a thing. *Of course* [shitty movie] was the Greatest Movie of All Time Ever until the nebulous *they* ruined it. I’ve seen Ayer’s stuff and I am not convinced that it would have been good if Ayer got free reign. At *best* I can imagine it would be slightly less shitty (like ZSJL was

“What trump is to real estate, Todd Graves is to chicken fingers.”

I find this surprising. I’ve had Raising Cane’s maybe twice and its... fine? Nothing to write home about and not the worst thing I have eaten either. It’s all white and fried and I would rather just go to Popeye’s, but I wouldn’t straight up refuse if a group was going there before like a movie or something. I find

BK is not a place I would normally go for breakfast and this offering is not changing that.

It’s a portrait of a man who wants to be part of the Hollywood scene, to entrench himself in the tradition of a grand studio legacy, and to be part of the future of entertainment. Except the Zaslav way is to slash and burn while throwing nouveau riche parties with seemingly little awareness of the bad optics at every

FWIW, Bale’s character seems like he was in a different, darker and more dramatic movie.

Waititi’s response seems perfectly fine. Thor will continue without him and the door is open for a return, either to Thor or something else in the MCU. As the article pointed out, this relationship was mutually beneficial so there is no reason to burn that bridge.

“Cum with me if you want to orgasm.”