Must be a slow news day, but I’ll bite. Ghostbusters 2016 was an okay movie. Not the world’s greatest, but not the childhood-destroying bogeyman that some make it out to be.
Must be a slow news day, but I’ll bite. Ghostbusters 2016 was an okay movie. Not the world’s greatest, but not the childhood-destroying bogeyman that some make it out to be.
The last few years my partner and I have watched these movies for the camp factor, but any appeal has worn off for me. The stories are the same, the lack of anything resembling a conflict makes it hard for me to get invested in the characters and there is such a narrow viewpoint that it feels dumb watching them. I get…
I forgot to mention in my last post, but I can’t shake the feeling that the poison was not intended for Ben. Something like Cliff tried to poison Donna because he feels suffocated by her. Somehow Ben ate the poison by mistake, then Dickie, realizing how much better off he is without Ben, kills Ben by pushing him down…
Just saw it last night. My partner’s theory is that someone (the producer?) tried to kill Ben with the poison and failed. Then Dickie, realizing in that brief “Ben is dead” period how happy he was without Ben, went and killed him by pushing him down the elevator shaft. The scene of him crying with the handkerchief he…
Emma Roberts comes off, both on screen and in real life, as an incredibly entitled and unlikable person. I have no idea if this happened at all or exactly or close to what Ross said, but I find it difficult to give Roberts the benefit of the doubt.
One one hand, this is the kind of petty, dumb lawsuit that a lot of people will roll their eyes at. I get it, Mountain Dew does not have actual dew from a mountain, orange Gatorade has no oranges, etc. But OTOH, it does seem like the sort of deceptive “it’s your fault for not doing the research based on our omission…
It’s been awhile since I have seen it myself, but IIRC, O’Bannion is the only one who actually gets off on hurting the frosh. The other two football players who participate seem to do it more as a “this is a thing we had done to us as frosh, we’re doing it now, its part of the ritual” vibe. Kind of like Mitch’s sister…
I definitely consider myself a fan now. It’s funny, at the time I preferred the X-Files as more adult fare (note: I was in middle/high school in the 90s) and thought Buffy was too campy/high school teen drama. Watching them both as an adult, Buffy has a lot of stuff that I enjoy and the X-Files, while it does a lot of…
We did Angel at the same time as Buffy, starting with Buffy S4 I think - whichever one lined them up - and then watched as if they had been airing live, so the crossover episodes made sense.
First off, MTG always has been, is, and forever will be an idiot.
Are TV dinners still a big thing? I haven’t had one in years, though we will occasionally get something like TJs Mac and Cheese. I don’t say that to be snarky, I just remember them being more prevalent (more ads, in more friend’s freezers, more people brought lean cuisine to work, etc.) years ago, but they seem more…
Thanks, this is what I was trying to get at with my post. I contrast that with something like Superbad (as another popular high school movie) and at the end of that movie, Jonah Hill’s character is still a dick (albeit with softer edges towards the girl he is trying to have sex with) and Michael Cera seems like he’s…
The first time I had diet pepsi, it tasted like pine resin. To this day, that taste stays with me.
I never watched Buffy because I thought it was a high school teenage drama, like most of the other shows on this list, but with the occasional monster showing up as a B-plot. I finally watched it with my partner (a long time fan) a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised to find out how wrong I was.
This legit blew my mind when I first found out like a year ago.
One thing I personally like about the movie is that it is actually positive and upbeat towards the characters. Mitch is a completely unremarkable kid who Pink takes under his wing because Pink is a genuinely nice guy, in addition to being the star QB. Mitch gets a pass from his parents for staying out late. Anthony…
When its fun, its great. But I would get to a boss or something and get stuck and read online “oh, you should have been leveling up [X] materia and gotten a certain mimic skill from an enemy [somewhere] and should have been grinding to get to level [Y] and have been using Red XIII, Cloud and Aeris in your party.” I…
It’s been wild watching repubs say and do anything and nothing matters. trump was booed for saying he got vaccinated, and every single person who booed him will vote for him. he can’t commit to any position on abortion and will tell the hardcore crazies that he wants women seeking an abortion jailed, but will tell the…
I grew up in the northeast and remember that Boo Berry was harder to come by too. I assumed that, like Frute Brute, it just wasn’t as popular as CC or FB and so it was more of a specialty item. Not sure if it was regional, but I definitely recall at one point getting older and it just suddenly started being more…
I love the monster-themed cereals because I love Halloween stuff, but if I am being honest - there are better cereals out there. I like the taste (as far as sugary kids cereals go) but the cereal itself turns to mush after maybe 15 seconds. I still buy a box every Halloween or so because it is fun, but honestly, there…