
Confession time: I never actually beat the original FF7. I enjoyed playing it, but ultimately was done in by having no patience for some of the mini-games (especially on a PS1) and not building my characters “correctly” which is something I seem to encounter a lot in RPGs. Also, my schedule at the time allowed for

I take all these rankings (esp from nu AVClub) with a box of kosher salt but jesushchrist was this list bad.

I find it a bit infuriating since I imagine the response is going to be “drag shows are fine at bars, not public places fOr tHE CHildReN!” Which is sadly consistent with the gqp line. Until, of course, the gqp comes for those who perform drag (see also: gqp’s plan to attack abortion).

It’s truly something to behold that repubs have calculated that they need to be so far-right that they can win the primary, but also moderate enough to win an election in a purple district. I shouldn’t be and I am probably jinxing it, but I want to believe boebert is not re-elected because juuusssttttt enough people

I thought subjective enforcement of laws like these gave repubs hardons. “She’s black, GET HER!!” v “Oh, my mistress is going across state lines, we can’t stop the car, guess she makes it through fine, what can you do?” sort of thing

This. With the added bonus of not getting their way “proves” that government doesn’t work and must be destroyed. It’s amazing that they have so many paths to victory (christo-facsist state, render government inoperable, not enact legislation, etc.) while the Dems only have 1 (actually fucking govern the country as

I have a feeling this book will end up on a lot of bookshelves with The Prince and 1984 as “playbooks” rather than “warnings.

I enjoyed the Matthew Broderick appearance, though I hate to say it served as fluff, which has been a lot of this season. It’s like the Psych movies - less mysteries than checking in to see what the characters are up to these days. Which has its charm, but I kind of want to see the 3 of them solve a mystery.

I came across it while flipping TV a bit before bed; no idea it was on. I watched it for about 20 minutes, recognized maybe 70% of the celebs and knew approximately 0% of the songs. MTV is no longer for me, I get it. But I still felt a sense of nostalgia watching it. It was like going to a college bar - the place was

I find it amazing that some PR/marketing people stay employed with such gems as “spent $200, get access to a shop that sells Subway shit”. Why the fuck would you restrict that? Are there a ton of people anxious AF to buy a Subway polo shirt to the point where you need to restrict access? Furthermore, who the fuck is

Obviously major outlets weren’t going to go there, so it did not occur to me until this morning that this would be the punchline to a lot of jokes.

A couple of thoughts from an internet rando:

I get that this list is not going to work, so I will take this opportunity to say I kind of miss music videos. I had MTV classic for awhile and would leave it on in the background and it was fun revisiting some stuff I never would have sought out on my own. I have Vevo now and its just not the same - some deeper cuts

Nothing says “strong future president” like someone who can’t read the room, gives the weakest of pushback to the far-right before ultimately capitulating, and insists that the DoD and the military are the ones who are ultimately wrong here. I wonder what goes through her head, other than nothing.

I started reading this article, but did not bother finishing it. musk is an asshole and people who get involved in his orbit are exhausting.

The problem with the mystery box approach in the internet era is that someone is going to stumble upon the answer and once the mystery is ruined, there is often nothing left. Moreover, either the answer makes sense logically and the ultimate reveal is unsatisfying because everyone guessed it (Jon Snow’s parents in GoT

With Buffy S6, I always got the sense that Whedon was pretty much over Buffy and had moved on to other projects. I believe the only writing credit he gets for S6 is OMwF, and it really seemed like he wanted to do a musical episode of something and just returned to a show that was still his, even if largely abandoned,

Real question: can someone explain the Secret Invasion hate to me? I get that there was a fair amount of wasted potential, but I thought overall it was fine? Like, not game-changing TV, but a decent way to spend a few evenings watching.

I haven’t thought about Smashmouth in years until this news came out. I can’t help but feel they got bucketed with things like Guy Fieri and Nickelback in the sense that everyone piled so much hate on them that the hate they got v what they were doing (making pop-friendly radio songs for kids while looking like

I dropped out of TWD (a show I loved early on, and one of my few appointment viewings) when it became clear that it was just going to be a nihilistic, repetitive cycle of suffering. In the era of trump, that world stopped being escapism. I feel like this spin-off is trying to sort of put the “what if there is a cure?”