
I’m sorry you lost money. You should have tried to understand it before you got big eyes

Sorry for being such a loser

The fact that you’re not able to understand the non-static nature of the value betrays your analysis.

I would argue there are mountains of evidence that cryptocurrency absolutely is worth “the costs,” especially against the gross inefficiencies of the current infrastructure for transacting value. You’re just somebody who is ignoring those mountains of evidence, much like climate change deniers. 

Haha gotcha, “bro” should have signaled that. I was thinking you were talking predatory behavior within the sector.

So, this site can have the editorial opinion that crypto is worthless,

Also, seriously, crypto-bros suck as humans. Even worse than finance-bros and VC-bros.

Counter/nitpick point: silver (conducts electricity, can be tooled with). But I get your point. Currency as an idea is basically a shared myth of synthesized, measurable trust.

#never jizyah shorts

Extras was really good. And it made me find out i like cat stevens

did you know Toby was the showrunner? Just learned that from Mindy’s book

I dunno. Plenty of people watched Friends when it was out, and it was consistently considered as one of best TV comedies/shows throughout its run, and was basically whatever network friends was on flagship program, and kicked off whatever network friends was on decade of being a comedy network.

They examined a number of weak private keys—beginning with the stupidly simple key of 0x01


I don’t think it makes sense to abandon our morality just because we can’t personally imagine the ways a person might contribute positively to society.

lol ok man, didn’t realize we had an expert in the house.

lol this guy’s name is “wasting company time” but he’s a fierce defender of those magnanimous folks running Apple.

Whoa there, I’ve been assured by this very site that crypto-currencies are all totally worthless, so how can one steal millions of dollars worth?

Pete is a veteran, young, gay, and a white centrist. He’s Biden Plus. He can give them 8 years of the status quo
